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Is using cemerick.piggieback
to start your cljs repl inside your clojure repl deprecated somehow? Considered bad practice?
I've been having a lot of trouble with cljs-ajax. I assume that it's something to do with cljs-ajax being both a clj and cljs lib and I have something off in my env - though I am new to all of this and may just be wildly misunderstanding. However, it seems like if I require the lib :as ajax, figwheel quietly fails and builds nothing. When I comment out the :require, it builds again. If I :refer ajax-request I can sometimes get it to work but not consistently. Is there something I need in my project to tell cljsbuild/figwheel to ignore the clj components or should that just be working out of the box?
Ok - I think I must be missing some fundamental understanding. At this point in time, if I require anything new, both my cljsbuild and figwheel builds end up using some old (like many versions ago) copy of my cljs. If I remove the new require and make a change, that is picked up appropriately.
Does this behavior sound familiar?
Support for (.log2 js/Math ...)
seems not to be very good - should I use something from goog instead?
of course one could do #(/ (.log js/Math %) (.LN2 js/Math))
- so just asking for the best way
@mmeix: Math
is a convenience pseudo-namespace, so your expression could be written as #(/ (Math/log %) Math/LN2)
I'm starting to read up a bunch on transit, but just in case i'm missing something, is there an easy way that i'm missing to get joda.time.Intervals into clojurescript using transit?
@futuro: Google Closure Library has a bunch of stuff - there’s also cljs-time (which builds over GCL) but I haven’t used that in anger so I can’t say much more about it
@dnolen: Yeah, I was leaning towards cljs-time because I like to try out the cljs libs before moving to js interop; thanks for the input
I just used Closures Interval. :import [ Interval]
then (swap! data assoc :length (let [me (Interval.fromIsoString updlength)] (str (if (> me.hours 0) (str me.hours "h ") ) me.minutes "m " me.seconds "s")))