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I also took a couple stabs at writing tests within ClojureScript itself: - -
@dnolen: I'm happy to file a JIRA card, etc; I'm just not familiar with the process
Is anyone here depending on explicit snapshot versions using lein, like 0.1.5-20151023.100204-2 instead of 0.1.5-SNAPSHOT?
Someone told me that pinning to specific snapshot versions was common in the CLJS world.
Thanks @dnolen! Yes, I knew of the JAR format, and once I could see the CSS in there, I started looking for ways to have them available. I’ve always been too scared of Javascript, but thanks to you guys (Clojurescript FTW!), I dared to do my stuff with electron (+ node etc.) quite confidently!
I had found this - - but a leiningen solution would be useful for me. This place was obviously the one to check if anyone’s done it before.
Thanks again for all the awesome stuff!
@mfikes, thanks wasnt sure what it was called
Bit of a strange idea, but can I force clj-side evaluation of a form by requiring it in the same ns?
Here’s the code I’m working on:
(ns kandan.config
#?(:clj (:require [ :as shell]
[clojure.string :as string]))
#?(:cljs (:require [kandan.config :refer [git-version]])))
(def git-version
(-> (shell/sh "bash" "-c" "git log --oneline -n 1")
(string/split #" ")
(def navigator-desc
(let [navigator (.-navigator js/window)]
{:appCodeName (aget navigator "appCodeName")
:appName (aget navigator "appName")
:appVersion (aget navigator "appVersion")
:cookieEnabled (aget navigator "cookieEnabled")
:hardwareConcurrency (aget navigator "hardwareConcurrency")
:language (aget navigator "language")
:languages (js->clj (aget navigator "languages"))
:maxTouchPoints (aget navigator "maxTouchPoints")
:onLine (aget navigator "onLine")
:platform (aget navigator "platform")
:product (aget navigator "product")
:productSub (aget navigator "productSub")
:userAgent (aget navigator "userAgent")
:vendor (aget navigator "vendor")
:vendorSub (aget navigator "vendorSub")
:client-git-sha git-version})))
@sgrove: Perhaps employ a macro which—when evaluated—has the side effect of running the git command.
@sgrove: Here is a gist that works:
Thanks! I’ll give it a try in a bit (working on another problem right now) - something about my setup causes an issue when cljs files try to require cljc files on a fresh compilation, but works if the repl/figwheel is running
@sgrove easiest way would probably be a (goog-define git-version "something")
which you set to the proper version when compiling via :closure-defines
@samumbach: there’s a #C07UQ678E channel. Just open a ticket in JIRA with some minimal steps to reproduce. It should require nothing but ClojureScript itself (issue code only, no cljsbuild, no boot, etc.)
is there a way to have natal list out the repl port when you launch a project? could be handy for connecting from an editor.
I don't think there's anything in the language core. If you can find a library that does it, just use it. Or implement it yourself. CLJS isn't mature enough to have de facto standards like underscore, which gives us the fun (or "fun") of writing our own.
@amacdougall: well that’s not entirely true, Google Closure Library
Oh, good point—I keep forgetting how much is built into that.
@dnolen: Hey David, is there a ClojureScript release planned any time soon? I'm still on 0.0-3308 because of the module regression. A prerelase would also help
I also keep forgetting that part of the point of Clojure and CLJS is that you can and should just use Java or JavaScript libraries wherever they make sense.
@r0man: and yes another release is planned, there’s only one more ticket to sort out so probably Friday.
@roberto there’s not a standalone debounce thing in Google Closure Library far as I can tell.
@dnolen: thank you. I’ll try to implement something then. Didn’t want to put energy into it if there was an easier way to do it.
right now I have a channel that only calls a function if the length of the string in the channel is over a certain size. I think I can maybe add some sort of timeout there.
(go-loop []
(let [v (<! search-term-ch)]
(when (> (-> v seq count) 2)
(dispatch [:search-recording v]))
@thheller: Devcards can be used without figwheel, check out
@dnolen thank you. I got some inspiration from the core async webinar
repo you created
strange thing is going on for me. :closure-defines
works nicely on my laptop, but on my CI server it just does nothing. I'm quite unsure what to do about that...
@asolovyov: any wrong versions being used can’t be the case I guess?
Hello guys, is there any battery included responsive css layout toolkit for ClojureScript? How do folks handle this usually?
@richiardiandrea: I’m a huge fan of
figwheel + cljs-devtools =>
@asolovyov: don’t really have any smart ideas, maybe check downloaded jars for correct versions of cljs etc?
@darwin was it for me? I saw mesh but it looks overkill for my use case..I will check basscss thanks!
@richiardiandrea: no, just announced my fresh wiki page
haha ok
@martinklepsch: I will, but it still is really weird 😞
alright deployed lein-figwheel 0.5.0-SNAPSHOT
> you can opt out of .clj or .cljc macro reloading hmm... to be honest, this never worked for me
change of .clj or .cljc always spat exception and I had to restart my build process
@asolovyov: it was more than likely a classpath issue
> Could not locate vars__init.class or vars.clj on classpath.
@asolovyov: you are using figwheel from the REPL right?
so If you are using lein run
or lein repl
you have to add all your cljs source paths to :source-paths
@bhauman: heh, weird, but it's in :source-paths
. Anyway, I'll try 0.5 first, and then will try to find out what's going on for me there
@asolovyov: in the top level :source-paths?
is there a channel for re-com
/ re-frame
(on irc maybe) ?
I swear I looked it up in the channel list