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Transit seems to interpret "~" as a tagged string with no tag and no string value. Is this the proper interpretation?

Alex Miller (Clojure team)15:03:16

(#C031CBEUTGS is a thing btw) I'm a bit rusty, but I don't think that is a valid piece of transit


I'll transition to there


Say I’ve got a map of keys and sequential values like: {:k [k1 k2 k3] :l [l1 l2]} How would I go about creating the permutations of all the keys and values in separate maps? e.g something like:

[{:k k1 :l l1} {:k k2 :l :l1} … {:k k3 :l l2}]


(let [m {:k '[k1 k2 k3] :l '[l1 l2]}]
  (for [k (:k m)
        l (:l m)]
    {:k k :l l}))
({:k k1, :l l1}
 {:k k1, :l l2}
 {:k k2, :l l1}
 {:k k2, :l l2}
 {:k k3, :l l1}
 {:k k3, :l l2})


I perhaps should have specified that I would like a solution that doesn’t depend on manually enumerating the keys - one that works for any arbitrary map of this shape

Martin Půda16:03:47

(defn perm [m]
  (let [ks (keys m)
        vs (vals m)]
    (mapv #(zipmap ks %)
          (apply combi/cartesian-product vs))))

(perm '{:k [k1 k2 k3] :l [l1 l2]})
=> [{:k k1, :l l1} {:k k1, :l l2} {:k k2, :l l1} {:k k2, :l l2} {:k k3, :l l1} {:k k3, :l l2}]


A question about load-file. The docstring of ns states > Sets ns to the namespace named by name (unevaluated), creating it > if needed. and of course, if you evaluate an ns form it sets your repl. But load-file states > Sequentially read and evaluate the set of forms contained in the file. So that gives me the expectation that (load-file "some_file.clj") would evaluate any ns form in some_file.clj if present, and thereby setting the namespace to the ns defined by that form. But this does not seem to be the case. Should a docstring be updated to reflect this?


Are you saying you'd expect it to change *ns* in the calling code?


that’s what the docstrings together imply right? load-file evaluates forms, ns form sets the current namespace. So if you load-file on a file that has an ns form my expectation is that it does all of the side effects of evaluating those forms


it looks like Compiler.load does Var.pushThreadBindings and then pops at the end which is presumably what inhibits the changing of the ns


Yeah, I would not expect *ns* changes to bleed out of loading (and eval'ing) a file...


i expect that from practice but not from their docstrings


So I guess clarification of the push/pop in load-file's docstring would help.


(i’ve also exclusively used require with :reload and have to use load-file to work around a bug in cljs. And my first worry after reading the docstring is that it would change the current ns. then I was confused as to why it didn’t


load-file doesn't change the current ns, the ns binding is restored (popped) afterwards


neither does load-string:

user=> (load-string "(ns foo)")


yeah. i understand the implementation, I was just surprised that the docstring lead me to believe the opposite

👍 1

and when i had to switch my workflow, i read the docstring to see if it would affect me. the docstring led me to believe it would change it. but of course it doesn’t