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I'm working on an overhaul of the Books section of -- if you have a favorite Clojure (or two, or several), could you take a quick look at that page and, if your favorite book(s) are not listed there, could you add a comment to with brief details of the book(s) and I'll add them to the listing. If you have suggestions on improving the organization of that page, feel free to mention those in that issue -- or reply in a thread here. I'm planning to add publication dates for all books and order them most recent first, but I'm open to other ideas.


The page may have begun in an era when each of the few books available was heroic, you could read them all, and critical reviews were not really needed. But nowadays, ...Is euthanasia an option for this page? Improving it could be a hard job, and thankless, only to have it get outdated again. Unless you're ready to boldly and unapologetically limit it to 2 categories of 3 books each that you strongly recommend - With a scope of approximately "every book with Clojure in its name" it's quite a haystack, and the blurbs are still necessarily anodyne. clojure-docs does not throw tomatoes, and isn't expected to. And so, case in point (naming no names) - the single, solitary, sole, only objectively terrible book about Clojure that I ever bought is on this page with a bland blurb. This is a book whose 1- and 2-star reviews on a big bookstore site are correct and remarkably restrained and polite. Er - so - to make a long story short - clojure-doc could be forgiven for ceding this scope to the bookstores' global search for "Clojure" plus customer reviews.


That's a very valid option. I could simply defer to as I'm doing with a few other sections of the site at this point.


Looks like Joy of Clojure 2nd edition is listed twice


@U01GQNJFP6U Yeah, I was trying to update some of the editions and then realized some books were listed multiple times -- once for each edition they had -- and others only had older editions and when I updated some of them, I ended up with an out of order list 😞 I think @U0HG4EHMH’s suggestion is good -- don't bother duplicating what's already on (and don't try to list every book) -- so I'm retiring the ecosystem/books page at this point. Since CDS was originally created, a lot more content has been added to so a big part of my initial cleanup work on CDS is going to be retiring outdated pages that have since had equivalent content added to, and then making another pass over CDS to add links to those relevant pages... it's going to take several passes 😐


Well @U04V70XH6, I'd love to help if I could! Not sure what that would look like, but I'll try to keep an eye on the clojure-docs repo

Sam Ritchie12:01:34

hey all - if I have a java array that I want to reuse, is there a good stdlib way to copy a sequence of the same length into the array?

Ben Sless12:01:06

Sequence or array?

Ben Sless12:01:12

But I'd write a short function using loop, I don't think it exists

Ben Sless12:01:39

(set! *unchecked-math* true)

(defn seq->arr
  [^Iterable xs ^objects arr]
  (let [it (.iterator xs)]
    (loop [i 0]
      (when (.hasNext it)
        (aset arr i (.next it))
        (recur (unchecked-inc i))))))

Sam Ritchie13:01:45

sequence in this case. nice, thank you, that looks great

catjam 2

There are some array copy methods in Java collection. I’d check which works faster. I suspect you could get into some fast paths using native stuff

Ben Sless15:01:49

iirc the .toArray methods allocate a new array and don't take an array target

Ben Sless15:01:05

System.arrayCopy takes a target,but the source has to be an array, not a Collection


Its not idiomatic but ham-fisted has an indexed-accum operator that allows your reduction to be indexed. This is faster than the iteration pathway for most (maybe all) sequences:


user> (def src-src (eduction (map #(+ 10 (long %))) (range 1000)))
user> (crit/quick-bench (seq->arr src-src arr))
Evaluation count : 17064 in 6 samples of 2844 calls.
             Execution time mean : 35.241389 µs
    Execution time std-deviation : 213.540713 ns
   Execution time lower quantile : 34.947208 µs ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 35.405822 µs (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 1.515197 ns


user> (crit/quick-bench (reduce (hamf/indexed-accum 
                                 acc idx v
                                 (aset ^objects arr idx v))
Evaluation count : 42384 in 6 samples of 7064 calls.
             Execution time mean : 14.201449 µs
    Execution time std-deviation : 264.329593 ns
   Execution time lower quantile : 14.008505 µs ( 2.5%)
   Execution time upper quantile : 14.656309 µs (97.5%)
                   Overhead used : 1.515197 ns

Found 1 outliers in 6 samples (16.6667 %)
	low-severe	 1 (16.6667 %)
 Variance from outliers : 13.8889 % Variance is moderately inflated by outliers


If the collection supports reduction it is I think always faster than iteration. At worst it is equal.

❤️ 2

Hello, I use HugSql (+postgresql) with luminus. Every time I make a change to queries.sql, I have to restart the app for the change to be picked up. I use the default luminus config for hugsql. Is there a way to change that behavior? Thanks!


Are you running the app in a REPL session or regularly? If it is the former you need to eval def-db-fns for that file. If it is the latter I don’t think that’s a good idea but you can add a file watcher and eval the same macro.

thanks3 2

I run it like ‘lein run’, so that’s regular right? Maybe I should try running it as a REPL session?


If you haven’t watched @U04V70XH6 presentation I can’t recommend it enough. Like you, I did lein run for years without realizing others weren’t doing that!

👍 2

Thanks a lot, checking it out shortly! 🙏


I'm looking for a little clarification on reading keywords from edn. I'm spitting some JSON that has been parsed into a hasmap, and it contains keywords such as :@id . But then slupring the data and parsing it with edn's read-string fails. It's not a big deal for me to filter out the @ chars, but I don't see aything in the reader reference saying they aren't allowed.


From the reference: > Keywords are like symbols, except: They can and must begin with a colon > Symbols begin with a non-numeric character and can contain alphanumeric characters and *, +, !, -, _, ', ?, <, > and = (other characters may be allowed eventually).


A rule of thumb - don't keywordize string keys. :) Unless maybe if you know that they contain only what keywords explicitly allow.


also, what the reader validates things more strictly than you can create with the keyword function.

(keyword "this is a horrifically, terrible, no() good idea[] at all")
:this is a horrifically, terrible, no() good idea[] at all
profile=> (type *1)


Hm. Guess I missed that in the reference. Thanks for pointing it out 🙂