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Which operation do you use by default (when you have no immediate reason to prefer one): rest or next ?


i pretty much always use rest as its more lazy, always gives a seq and generally more consistent in scenarios like the base case for recursions i feel.


I tend to use rest.


I am trying to list all the Tos of an email message in a single string addresses like this:

(defn get-tos
  (let [addresses (str "")]
    (for [p (.personalization message)]
      (for [email (.getTos p)]
        (addresses (str address (.getEmail email))))) ;;Trying for appending the string to the `addresses` var
The problem is, Clojure doesn't support modifying the let binding and also the assignment in the commented line is incorrect. I am from C++ background and new to Clojure. Is there an idiomatic way to append addresses and then return that address?


look up things like map, reduce and in general all the sequence stuff


for your case a simple for with a join works fine


(defn get-tos [message]
  (->> (for [p (.personalization message)
             email (.getTos p)]
       (str/join ", ")))


str/join being (:require [clojure.string :as str]) in your ns


also note that three backticks allows you to create multi line code snippets


just 3 backticks, foo, 3 backticks

Martin Půda09:01:35

Could you provide some example data and expected result?


In Clojure, we generally expect things to be immutable. That means you cannot change an existing value, and must instead create a new value that derives from the old one. A high level description of @U05224H0W's suggestion above: • Build a sequence of all the addresses. • Create a new string from joining each item in the sequence with ", ". If you needed more advanced control than clojure.string/join for joining the sequence, then you could use reduce or recur. For both, iterating involves repeatedly calling a function, and each function returns a new value derived from the previous iteration. In other words, instead of trying to edit the existing string, you would repeatedly return a new string with changes applied. If you need more help, the #C053AK3F9 channel is more appropriate for this kind of question, .

👍 2

RUN clojure -A:build:test:check-syntax-and-reflections -Stree This are all my aliases (build:test:check-syntax-and-reflections). I expected this command to download ALL dependencies. But when I run RUN clojure -T:build uber "{:version \"$VERSION\"}" It downloads

#11 3.568 Downloading: org/clojure/tools.logging/1.2.1/tools.logging-1.2.1.pom from central
#11 3.568 Downloading: commons-codec/commons-codec/1.11/commons-codec-1.11.pom from central
#11 3.618 Downloading: org/apache/commons/commons-parent/42/commons-parent-42.pom from central
#11 3.682 Downloading: org/apache/apache/18/apache-18.pom from central
#11 3.809 Downloading: org/clojure/core.memoize/1.0.253/core.memoize-1.0.253.pom from central
#11 3.857 Downloading: org/clojure/core.memoize/1.0.253/core.memoize-1.0.253.jar from central
#11 3.911 Downloading: commons-codec/commons-codec/1.11/commons-codec-1.11.jar from central
#11 3.914 Downloading: org/clojure/tools.logging/1.2.1/tools.logging-1.2.1.jar from central
#11 6.156 Downloading: org/clojure/tools.namespace/0.2.11/tools.namespace-0.2.11.pom from central
#11 6.235 Downloading: org/clojure/pom.contrib/0.1.2/pom.contrib-0.1.2.pom from central
#11 6.374 Downloading: org/clojure/tools.namespace/0.2.11/tools.namespace-0.2.11.jar from central
#11 6.376 Downloading: org/clojure/java.classpath/0.3.0/java.classpath-0.3.0.jar from central
what I miss? Everything should be downloaded in first step.


Is there an overlap in declared dependencies between the aliases? There might be a dependency in build that is also declared with a different version by test or check-syntax-and-reflections


I see. Good point. Thank you.


RUN clojure -A:build -Stree
RUN clojure -A:test -Stree
RUN clojure -A:check-syntax-and-reflections -Stree
It didn’t solve it. Still download new deps.


I'm wondering if -Stree has something to do with it. Does using clojure -P:build help?


RUN clojure -P build is how it should be run? I didn’t use it so far. If so, then it still doesn’t work.


I mean not download all


-P	Prepare / dry run (CI servers, Containers)	deps, path
-P -M:aliases	Prepare / dry run including alias deps and paths	deps, path
-P -X:aliases	Prepare / dry run including alias deps and paths	deps, path
What is the right way to use it? doc make me confuse.


Ah, I probably messed up the syntax


maybe clojure -P -T:build ?


and then clojure -P -A:test for the others


hmm interesting, it works


so -Stree lie about deps?


hmm RUN clojure -P -T:build:test:check-syntax-and-reflections doesn’t download all too. It needs combination of both


I don't think so. I'm not totally sure how it works, but I think -Stree is an override used to print dependencies. So it downloads whatever is needed to print the tree, but might skip downloads that aren't required to print the tree?


I know -T and -A can affect the classpath differently (in addition to multiple aliases that might resolve to different dependencies)


yeah, only one explanation. Although I don’t know how it works under the hood.


clojure build tools has a programmatic interface that you could probably use to figure out exactly was is happening, but I think the general takeaway is to try -P as a the first arg to the exact command that you want to download dependencies for to get the best results.


RUN clojure -A:test -Stree
RUN clojure -A:check-syntax-and-reflections -Stree
RUN clojure -A:build -Stree
RUN clojure -P -T:build
so many lines but this is the only one solution wich download 100%


you need clojure -A:build -Stree and clojure -P -T:build ?


I am trying right now


no, only -P


intuitively, it seems like clojure -P -A:test should be preferred to clojure -A:test -Stree



RUN clojure -P -A:test
RUN clojure -P -A:check-syntax-and-reflections
RUN clojure -P -T:build
this also do the job

👍 2

not printing tree, but well I didn’t look on it too often


offtopic but can be useful While we are in the topic I discovered huge bug from my side which I was repeating: If you have Dockerfile with multi stage build and test build is not used later, then it is not even executed during build! So you never run tests… I have no idea when it changed, but in the past it was always executing…


# tests
FROM deps-with-code as tests
RUN clojure -T:build test
So if you don’t use tests later in Dockerfile tests are totally ignore during build


which is strange because even Docker doc say something different


I use clojure -P with either -M or -X execution flags

RUN clojure -P -X:env/test:package/uberjar
I would avoid the -T execution option when downloading deps as it will ignore deps from the Clojure project. -A flag is mostly for running a repl now, so use -M as the new -A This is how I cache dependencies in Docker

👍 2

> I would avoid the -T execution option when downloading deps as it will ignore deps from the Clojure project. Right, but I think the goal is to download the necessary deps for running clojure -T:build test in the future without extra downloads.


yeah to cache all deps and not download on each run