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Hello All, has anyone faced/solved the problem of serializing Clojure classes using
? What’s the idiomatic way of using serialVersionUID
? (if there is one)
Don't laugh at me when I ask this: How can I get the name of an anonymous function function when it has a name?
@h0bbit what do you mean by clojure classes? records and deftypes? to be honest, the best answer is use something other than Serializable. Which is also the answer even if you're using pure java
hello guys
i have played with core.async a bit
this a code which pass lists of numbers to each process linearly then each process try to remove multipliers of one number and pass result to other process
the code works fine for example till 10000 odds
when i tried to increase more for example 100000 it's broken
anybody can help in this?
thanks @gfredericks and @tanzoniteblack test.check’s shrink-loop looks like what I want 🙂
On database, Is it bad idea to enforce row level lock on a row, to avoid duplication in data?
Yes, i also thought that from database admin point of view, but php programmer wants to enforce in code
And some people wonder why i get annoyed at php devs that silly statements. hehe
just ask your PHP devs how well that would work when you have like, two processes (which happens pretty much instantly with PHP) doing that stuff concurrently?
cool. will do
We have 200 processes running concurrently
if it is on disk then one needs to take care of concurrency issues on I/O, meaning implementing transactions or something similar
postgres is acid complaint, so dont know why someone would consider it to be honest
most likely the person suggesting that hates databases in general and wants to keep everything at his hands and refuses to learn new stuff
refuses to learn new stuff sounds like it, hates anything thats not mysql and php
and postgresql is actually much better than mysql when it comes to ensuring database integrity
Yes, i've learned that the hard way, hehe, been administering mysql for 5 years
So i replied to the dude suggestion with a link to postgresql unique constraint index
@niklas.collin so what could happen if someone were to enfoce row level locks, lead to issues with integrity?
Just out of curiousity
no we use django and 5 web load balancers with nginx
he is not contributing to django codebase at the moment
right, doesn’t change things. Something somewhere is anyway spawning a PHP process per request
now, imagine two concurrent requests coming in, both of which try to do that row locking. If this row locking logic is kept in memory these two processes won’t see the locking defined by the other process since they are separate processes
if you’d have something sensible like Clojure then you could do that relatively safely - as long as you’d have only one server serving all the traffic
when you add another server then it’s the same problem all over again: different processes, different memoryspaces
So non-deterministic output?
fuck up how, load average?
process A writes “foo”, process B tries to write “foo”, manages to do it since it doesn’t see the row locking stuff
Sorry i'm asking so many questions, but this guy will interogate and second guess what i know. So i need ammunition
in addition you’ll end up writing a lot of code which you could handle with single statement in your schema definitions for postgre
code which won’t work unless you create a mechanism to handle concurrency which is ACID compliant
Ok. thanks, I will just say no it wont work. Don't have energy to argue with know-it-alls
no, you can say that he can get it to work if he writes a fully fleged ACID compliant concurrency handling
roflol, but phalcan is a c implementation and is fast as hell
I know, you can write bad code in any language, most people write bad code in php, hehe
Is there a way to avoid a know-it-all outlandish ideas?
I know, but i dont want to have to defend my position and knowledge all the time, its energy draining
I know my limitations, so i wont talk about stuff i dont know
I really like this job, don't want to work for a corporate again
Ok, good point
I think i'd be happy if i can get paid writing clojure code all day
but south africa is behind 😞
Why, whats wrong with scala?
Well, dont know any scala, so i can't say i understand 🙂
and also the ideology that “writing code is a bad thing, minimize the amount of code you need to write even if it makes your code unreadable”
but that “writability over readibility” is more of a design choice than a feature of the language
oh, can you migrate to clojure?
Makes it easier to onboard new team members, and easier to understand and bugfix when you come back to code you've not touched in mnths 😉
anyone tried kubernetes?
very expensive?
lets say i need 100 instances?
So, how many instances can you have on decent server?
create distroless containers which contain just a hello world written in C: then the answer would be “millions” I think
ah, like alpine
alpine linux
Very interesting
but create a ubuntu container with weblogic behemoth inside and you can put your server to it’s knees pretty easily with just one container
I still need to learn kubernetes 🙂. Have to plan a project where a basic html page can handle 100k concurrent sessions
you do not need kubernetes for that:
Ok, just concertned about socket limit on servers and bottleneck on databases then
Hmm, think they need databases, since it does api calls
yeah, sorry, got ahead of myself
a side-effect of multi-tasking, hehe
but anyway, Kubernetes is a container orchestration platform like Docker Swarm or Apache Mesos (although that is actually more than just container platform)
rest is just your normal containers on top of VMs stuff, it’s just being managed by Kubernetes
I have yet another interop question, I'm pretty sure that the method .addExtensions
exists for my imported
(user/all-methods (new ChromeOptions))
(.addArguments .addEncodedExtensions .addExtensions .amendHashCode .asMap .getExperimentalOption .lambda$asMap$0 .setBinary .setExperimentalOption .setHeadless .setPageLoadStrategy .setUnhandledPromptBehaviour .toCapabilities)
but when useing it, I get a strange error
(doto (new ChromeOptions)
(.addExtensions ( "chrome/my-extension.xpi")))
;; => CompilerException java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No matching method found: addExtensions for class yes, I'm recently moved from EC2 + Elastic Bean Stalk to AWS Lambda + CloudFront + API Gateway + DynamoDb ... and am loving serverless.
well, we are talking about a huge microservice ecosystem here, hundreds of engineering teams
we are doing whole bunch of stuff where AWS lambda wouldn’t be enough, especially performancewise
yeah; if you are running a huge shopping site, you should probably go the Amazon route and build Zalando Web Services
but I can see the company slowly building abstraction layer between AWS and Zalando stuff
(doto (new ChromeOptions)
(.addExtensions (list ( "chrome/my-extension.xpi"))))
to answer my own question, list was needed around the extensions. Undescriptive error message and strange documentation.@niklas.collin how much of a learning curve is kubernetes
well it has some, but it depends on which side you are looking at: user of kubernetes as a dev or ops guy keeping it up
@slipset probably not, given that most db drivers don't actually do any escaping in prepared statements - they pass the values directly to the db
@pesterhazy yeah, I figured as much after a while…
hi guys
nobody can help me
What are you looking for help with @abdullahibra?
hello guys [11:00] i have played with core.async a bit [11:00] [11:01] this a code which pass lists of numbers to each process linearly then each process try to remove multipliers of one number and pass result to other process [11:02] the code works fine for example till 10000 odds [11:02] when i tried to increase more for example 100000 it's broken [11:02] anybody can help in this?
@admay (def odds (rest (filter odd? (range 1000000))))
@abdullahibra, excuse me, I should be more clear. What error message do you get? Or do you not get any error message at all? 🙂
This doesn’t look like the entirety of the error output, what this everything that printed out?
how can i dump full trace error to file ?
@slipset That's an oft-requested feature for
but as @pesterhazy notes, there's no easy way to get that from a JDBC driver under the hood, unfortunately. I guess my question would be: Why do you need/want this?
@seancorfield Yeah, I saw some discussion about it on the mailing list. My use case was the following. Given a csv file, I wanted to generate update statements. I wanted to have the actual statements so I could 1) have it reviewed by a teammate, and 2) add it to a migration script.
I realize that there are other ways of achieving this, but I had a nail and honeysql looked like a hammer at the time.
HoneySQL is a good way to compose query fragments, and producing vectors of ["sql statement" param1 param2 .. paramN]
is a reasonable representation for review/debugging...?
True, and it’s what I ended up using for review. Doesn’t fit so great in a migration script though.
How can i read batch messages from channel?
@fantomofdoom xform w/ partition
another option is a debouncer that pushes all values read after a timeout (time based batching rather than count based)
@potetm ok, but how i can set timer to not wait when channel fill to get me full partition?
@fantomofdoom that’s where you want a debounce loop and not a partition
I bet there’s a good library with a debounce in it out there, but there’s definitely gists showing how to do one in core.async
this isn’t exactly a standard debounce (since you want to collect all the messages over some timespan, and send all together), but the logic is very similar
ok, thanks
yeah- the modification to that would be to attach the new-val to the last-val, and make sure last-val starts as an empty coll
should be easy enough to make and unit test though
is it possible given a async/chan
that returns maps say {:foo 2 :bar xs}
where xs is a vector, to flatten transform the channel into one that yields elements of xs
. (async/map< #(get :bar []) ch)
gets me the vectors, but ideally I would like the flatten the whole channel (I know that map<
is depreciated...
^^^ Example of this being used
(let [c (async/chan 10 (mapcat :bar))]
(async/put! c {:foo 2 :bar [1 2 3]})
(async/close! c)
(async/<!! (async/into [] c)))
returns: [1 2 3]
@beoliver yes, you can pipe from the channel you have with the maps onto a channel with that reducer, or just async/pipeline
to accomplish the same thing without the transducer directly on the channel
is there a way to "perculate" the closing of the channel? can a/close?
be made to close the channel that I have created a pipeline from?
it tends to go in the other direction, most things in the channel library have an option to close the destination channel if the source channel is closed
pipe or pipeline will both propagate the close on the source channel. closing the destination channel doesn't make much sense as what do you do with the undelivered messages
so does this look reasonable s/scroll-chan
is out of my control. it just returns a channel.
(defn get-hits [response]
(get-in response [:body :hits :hits] []))
(defn search-channel
([cli index type query-map] (search-channel cli index type query-map {}))
([cli index type query-map params]
(let [ch (a/chan)]
(->> (s/scroll-chan cli {:url [index type "_search"]
:query-string (select-keys params [:search_type :request_cache])
:body (merge {:query query-map}
(dissoc params :search_type :request_cache))
:exception-handler exception-handler})
(a/pipeline 1 ch (mapcat get-hits))))
I don't think you need either thread or go. the function scroll-chan returns a channel so is presumably asynchronous/fast. a/pipeline starts its own asynchronous operations so returns immediately. so you're creating a new thread that does 2 tiny operations then ends
I do kinda think pipe
would've made more sense than pipeline here.
(s/scroll-chan ...)
(async/chan 1 (mapcat get-hits)))
scroll-chan has a ch optional arg that is the ouput chan. You can pass a ch with an xform for instance
And yes, scroll-chan is safe in go blocks it returns immediately, under the hood it s all async io
is that ok to use let instead of do for else block?
Hi all, I'm preparing a Clojure talk at a local meetup (yay!) and re-watching this talk in order to explain Clojure. At 52:34 Rich says "actors definitely do not" support "Point-in-time value perception", contrary to agents. I do not understand this statement, can someone try to explain it to me?
the way to get a value from an actor is by sending it a message and then it will send you message back. agents can be derefed
so it's the fact that "value perception" is deferred in the case of actors?
hola - does the latest leiningen force release/deployments to https? coworker complaining that it seems to be ( our nexus isn’t on https currently ).
you can't just read the sate of an actor right now, you have to effectively put your request in the actor's queue, and the actor will get to it when it gets to it
@arnaud_bos Unless you're specifically wanting to bring up agents, eg doing a talk about the Clojure STM, I'd leave them out of the talk.
Yep that sounds familiar @talios
@hiredman got it, thanks @slipset I just didn't want to follow through the talk and not understand this 🙂 I'll keep it simple this will be an introductory talk
As discussed in "nobody" ever uses agents 🙂
I think a more interesting thing, if you want to contrast actors with the clojure eco-system, is to contrast them to core.async.
Ah! Haven't seen that one yet, it's definitely on my list.
Sure, I know for a fact that I'll have a few actors fans in the audience so...
@danielcompton kinda arse when its a 100% internal repo tho
Well there is a workaround, in the FAQ. What's the alternative if you want to help people avoid talking to HTTP repos in the general case?
I remember reading this one a few months back and not understanding every bits of the follow up discussion in comments with "Jeff Rose" is really interesting.
@arnaud_bos has a rather good overview on actors and "why not"
And btw, is a fantastic site, some really mind-blowing stuff on there. Not stuff I'd use at work everyday, but cool from a geek perspective
I've read that page on a few times already and must admit I haven't fully made my mind up about this... 😅
I just don't use there concepts enough to get a good picture that is based on experience and not on theory and acquiescence bias
hi! I’m having problems with ring/compojure since upgrading leiningen. If I create a new app with > Lein new compojure testapp it creates the app like it should. But if I try to run it with > lein ring server I get this error “java.lang.RuntimeException: No reader function for tag object”
did you end up resolving this?
I ran into this issue the other day and I think I had to downgrade back to 2.6.* to fix it
even after downgrading leiningen?
i recommend trying it… lein downgrade 2.6.1
i think works
that solved the leing ring issue for me at least
great news 🙂
Is there a built-in "`split-around`" function? Sort of the opposite of split-at
...I'm trying to say "keep the closest X values around Y in the given seq"
hey all, i ran into an issue with this foor loop
(for [gender performer-genders
name performer-names
instrument instrument-names
mood moods]
(do stuff))
basically, if any of those lists are empty, then the loop won't iterate over anything, which is expected behavior
the looping behavior im looking for is if one of the list are empty, instead of not looping over anything, do the iteration over the other 3 lists, just ignoring the empty list (binding the value in each iteration to nil
or something)
i guess i could just check to see if those lists are empty, and if so just bind the variables to [nil]
seems like that should work
for isn't a loop, it's a list comprehension
if you want a loop, use loop
in particular where you say (do stuff)
- if your intention is to do anything with a side effect rather than generating data, for is the wrong construct