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Does cider allow sorting namespaces or do I specifically need clj-refactor for this?
@borkdude clojure-mode
has a function clojure-sort-ns
that will sort each sexp inside the ns
hey folks I'm running into this error with figwheel + cider. I've run into when using re-frame and just using the lein new figwheel
Failed to launch Figwheel CLJS REPL: nREPL connection found but unable to
load piggieback. This is commonly caused by A) not providing piggieback as a
dependency and/or B) not adding piggieback middleware into your nrepl
middleware chain.
example profile.clj code: ----- :profiles {:dev {:dependencies
[[com.cemerick/piggieback <current-version>] [org.clojure/tools.nrepl
<current-version>]] :repl-options {:nrepl-middleware
[cemerick.piggieback/wrap-cljs-repl]}}} ----- Please see the documentation
for piggieback here
I found this thread:
that went over why it might be happening (the browser caching an old version of figwheel it seems?) and I have not been able to find a fix despite that. Any input ?
pastebin of my project.clj running lein figwheel
instead of cider led to this :