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should i be using (stest/summarize-results (stest/check `foo/bar)), and verifying that there’s no :check-failed key in the returned map? or is there a better way?
How can I duplicate a spec?
(s/def ::my-spec number?)
(s/def ::a ::my-spec)
(s/def ::b ::my-spec)
This fails with:
=> #error {
:cause "Assert failed: k must be namespaced keyword or resolvable symbol\n(c/and (ident? k) (namespace k))"
[{:type clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException
:message "java.lang.AssertionError: Assert failed: k must be namespaced keyword or resolvable symbol\n(c/and (ident? k) (namespace k)), compiling:(ann.clj:63:1)"
:at [clojure.lang.Compiler$InvokeExpr eval "" 3657]}
{:type java.lang.AssertionError
:message "Assert failed: k must be namespaced keyword or resolvable symbol\n(c/and (ident? k) (namespace k))"
:at [clojure.spec$def_impl invokeStatic "spec.clj" 315]}]
[[clojure.spec$def_impl invokeStatic "spec.clj" 315]
[clojure.spec$def_impl invoke "spec.clj" 312]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyToHelper "" 160]
[clojure.lang.AFn applyTo "" 144]
I can’t reproduce that - that should certainly work
what version are you using?
unform is not properly reversing vectors that have been conformed, e.g.
(spec/unform :clojure.core.specs/defn-args (spec/conform :clojure.core.specs/defn-args '(f [x] x)))
=> (f (x) x)
I'm trying to make a defn-like macro by using spec to conform with the defn spec, then manipulate, then unform.
yeah, this is a known issue with the spec as it’s not enforcing the vector part
we are talking about creating an s/vcat
as doing regex + vector is tedious right now
and it’s relatively common in macro syntax
this is a good example of it
you can make it work using something like (s/and (s/cat …) (s/conformer vec))
but like I said, it’s tedious
So you mean I should write my own more verbose version of the defn-args spec rather than use the one built into core?
well you could wrap defn-args too
part of being in alpha means things aren’t done
The problematic piece is :arg-list
, which is a component of the :defn-args
(s/def ::arg-list
(s/cat :args (s/* ::binding-form)
:varargs (s/? (s/cat :amp #{'&} :form ::binding-form))))
I guess if I s/def :clojure.core.specs/arg-list
in my library, that will overwrite the spec for other consumers of my library as well, so maybe I shouldn't do that.
maybe you could make the patching a separate (temporary) step
@alexmiller Thanks for having a look. It's working now. I'm not sure, if it comes up again, I'll let you know
when i call (stest/check `foo/bar), and the output is [], how should i interpret that empty list?
i get [] from calling (stest/check) on each fdef’d function in this file, eg , and don’t really know where to go from here. has anyone seen this behavior? is there something obvious that i’m doing wrong?
(deftest generative
(let [output (stest/check `input/intended-directions->angle)]
(print "yo")
(print output)
(print (stest/summarize-results output))))
;; lein doo phantom test output:
Testing voke.input-test
{:total 0}
relevant specs are in
Hm, going from -alpha11 to -alpha12/-alpha13 I get a pretty unhelpful NPE when calling explain on some data. clojure.spec portion of the stacktrace:
spec.clj: 864 clojure.spec/spec-impl/reify
spec.clj: 150 clojure.spec/conform
spec.clj: 782 clojure.spec/map-spec-impl/reify
spec.clj: 150 clojure.spec/conform
spec.clj: 731 clojure.spec/dt
spec.clj: 727 clojure.spec/dt
spec.clj: 1081 clojure.spec/explain-pred-list
spec.clj: 1118 clojure.spec/and-spec-impl/reify
spec.clj: 198 clojure.spec/explain-data*
spec.clj: 209 clojure.spec/explain-data
spec.clj: 202 clojure.spec/explain-data
(The weirdest thing that code path does is (with-redefs [s/registry-ref (atom @@#'s/registry-ref)] …)
, which it needs to because it’s generating specs so I don’t want to have tests fail because of stale state)
I am dealing with strangest bug I cannot reproduce anywhere else: it works everywhere except Circle CI. Basically this spec:
(require '[com.gfredericks.test.chuck.generators :as gen']
'[clojure.spec :as s])
(def iso-date-regex #"^\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}-\d{2}:\d{2}$")
(s/def ::date-iso (s/with-gen (s/and #(re-find iso-date-regex %) string?)
#(gen'/for [d (gen'/datetime)]
(.format (js/moment (js/Date. d))))))
It works everywhere but on CI it says:
ERROR in (test-datetime-string) (:)
Uncaught exception, not in assertion.
expected: nil
actual: #error {:message "Couldn't satisfy such-that predicate after 100 tries.", :data {}}
first I thought it’s due to incompatible version of phantomjs. and then version of Leineingen, and then I disabled any parallelism on CI. and still can’t figure it out. I thought maybe I could replicate in a Docker container - still nothing
LEIN_NO_USER_PROFILES=1 can be helpful for debugging things that only happen in ci
I’ve seen a lot of problems with Phantom where phantom versions insisting they were the same, although that regex does look innocuous
Also have you rerun the ci? That "such-that" error could also just be highly improbable
Wouldn’t the such-that error never happen with with-gen? I thought that with-gen did not check that generated values match the spec?
(that may have changed in recent alphas, or not be true in JS, or I might be misremembering entirely of course)
I don't know where the such-that came from actually
so it won’t even be able to guess “string” let alone “string that incidentally matches this regex"
Oh I didn't see an and
It shouldn't matter though since it's wrapped in with-gen