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Good morning!

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)08:01:33

Morning! I've just deployed a tiny #C68M60S4F webapp to Great tooling, smooth sailing. But the amazon Correto alpine based image has over 400MB and the app run out of memory b/c JVM doesn't expect the OS only has 256MB ram 😭


does explicitly setting your JVM -Xmx not help ?

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)13:01:39

yes, I think it did, thanks


👋 It's always fun to wake up and then see a nice blog post like this:

🛠️ 10

Good morning

❄️ 6
❤️ 6

Morning all.


so i have a new version of a lib which is essentially a rewrite - it provides roughly the same API function, but the dependencies are different and the datatypes it uses to provide the API are different the old deps and new deps play together perfectly nicely - so should i leave the new version of the lib in the same namespace, thus forcing all-or-nothing upgrades, or should i move it to a new namespace, so the new version and old version can co-exist in the same vm and incremental upgrades are possible ?


new namespace, never break

👍 10
clojure-spin 6
rich 8
Rachel Westmacott14:01:33

does anyone know if it's possible to use with-redefs to decorate a function? I'm trying it and hitting a stack overflow, because of course when it reaches the inner/decorated/original version of my function, that is redeffed as well

Rachel Westmacott14:01:18

turns out it's a simple as binding the var you're redeffing to a local in a let block, and then inside that let block you can with-redefs and refer to that local inside your redeffed function to your heart's content.


Since you’re dealing with redefs, be aware of laziness. If you’re resolving lazy sequences outside the scope of the redef, you’ll be using the original function. I heard this from a friend…

Rachel Westmacott14:01:37

thank you for the reminder

Rachel Westmacott14:01:50

it's not an issue in this case, but definitely something to be aware of


An unused morning? But worth documenting?


I went to the dentist... so yes, it was an unused morning...


Wasn't your appointment at tooth hurty?