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Managed to make the load namespace error reproducible, could someone else try? 🙂 1. create a new ns called foo 2. create a new function in foo called profile 3. from ns bar - require foo and load/eval current file and all dependencies - works 4. in ns bar call (foo/profile) in one of bar’s functions, eval ->> no such var foo/profile


I couldn’t reproduce with the steps you provided. I created the bar ns then ran jack-in, then started at #1.


@UBN9SNVB4 can you repro that in a minimal deps project (`deps.edn` with {} + src/foo.clj + src/bar.clj)? From a fresh REPL. I added a minimal project like that to the test-data of the Calva repository: I can't reproduce it as is.


@U0ETXRFEW I figured out why this happens. It’s when I add new things into files e.g. requires or new namespaces without hitting Save and use load requires/dependencies (my old editor used to auto save, this can be configured in vs-code)


I checked the calva source code and realised it will read the files on disk when issuing that command which quickly explained my problem 😄


Ah, so when I followed your repro steps, I actually added a step myself. The destructive power of assumptions. 😃