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Five people have RSVP'd so far for the meetup on the 15th! Please do check your calendar and RSVP if you can make it, we'll finalize the venue soon so we need to have an idea of how many people to expect. (and the more the merrier) If you have any friends/colleagues pleace reach out to them, even (or especially) if they're not Clojure devs (yet).


I'm happy to prepare a talk, anyone else interested in doing a (lightning) talk?

Adam Helins11:12:08

If no one else jumps in I could present some Clojure monorepos ideas I've been working on, for instance. However, I won't have time to prepare a fully-fledged talk with slides and all. It would more more informal and interactive to gather feedback.


that would be great! I'm planning to do the same, basically prepare a single repl session clj file that I can walk people through in my editor.

👌 1