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Al M09:05:07

@dnolen what a cool article It's really impressive what you've achieved with Krell. It would be interesting to learn more about the integration with Storybook.js

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Aleksander Rendtslev12:05:54

I know Krell mentions shadow-cljs in its docs, but what are the pros/cons of one vs the other? I’ve been finding shadow to be working splendidly so I’m wondering what makes Krell intriguing

Aleksander Rendtslev12:05:12

(meaning it wasn’t clear to me from the notes in the docs. Might just be me who doesn’t get it)


the argument is that krell is single purpose built for RN dev while shadow-cljs is more generic and also supports other stuff


some people prefer custom built solutions like krell, some prefer all-in-one like shadow. really a preference thing. both work 😉

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yes - there isn't that big of difference in RN functionality in the end - at work we embraced tools-deps long ago and Krell fits that workflow well (not saying that shadow can't o' course)


@admarrs there is no integration story - it just works


we just write everything in a Node project - then we require that as Node git dep - ClojureScript can see it and then we adapt the components for Reagent usage (one liners)


given how seamlessly ClojureScript and JS can interoperate - I don't think this is a bad model for widening the hiring pool BTW


have experienced UI devs do Storybook.js and slowly onboard them on ClojureScript for business logic


it's interesting that neither of JS devs we hired had any experience with Storybook.js and for them it was head scratcher at first


but I think both of them now would not go back to any other style of development - even if it was purely JS


the other nice thing about this is that you can evict JS dep madness from business logic portion of the app


in the app you see above there are only a tiny number of deps


reagent, re-frame, core.async, core.match - that's it

🙌 9

@michael.w.jung to clarify my point from before - if your new RN node_module requires native code (Java, iOS) you cannot avoid *rebuilding* the entire app - nothing to do w/ Krell at all