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Vikas Gautam12:07:10

I am stuck at trying to add a custom hook to lint a macro defined in my parser combinator library, I wrote. I tried to follow the in the clj-kondo docs but failing. Here is the, please checkout to clj-kondo-hook branch. As I am going with macroexpand approach in the, here are the steps I followed. 1. I created the dev profile with a dependency on lein-clj-kondo as below. It enabled me to test my hook in the vscode using calva. :profiles {:dev {:dependencies [[com.github.clj-kondo/lein-clj-kondo "0.2.5"]]}} 2. I copy pasted jdsl.basic/do macro to hooks.basic/do in the .clj-kondo folder. I successfully tested my hook using following.

(def macro
      (jp/char \\a)
      (a <- (jp/char \\a))
      (b <- jp/any-char)
      (_ <- jp/any-char)
      (jc/return [a b]))")

;; following print statement works and prints the exact same api/list-node as the
;; analyze-hook would print as I tested earlier.
(println (api/macroexpand #'hooks.basic/do (api/parse-string macro) {}))
;; prints following list-node as printed by analyze-hook approach
;; <list: (clojure.core/fn [ts] (clojure.core/let [[_ ts] (#function[jdsl.basic/run] jp/any-char ts) [_ ts] (#function[jdsl.basic/run] jp/any-char ts) [_ ts] (#function[jdsl.basic/run] (jp/char \a) ts) [a ts] (#function[jdsl.basic/run] (jp/char \a) ts) [b ts] (#function[jdsl.basic/run] jp/any-char ts) [_ ts] (#function[jdsl.basic/run] jp/any-char ts)] (#function[jdsl.basic/run] (jc/return [a b]) ts)))>
3. I added the corresponding entry in the config.edn file as below: {:hooks {:macroexpand {jdsl.basic/do hooks.basic/do}}} 4. saved and restarted the vscode. 5. Checked the jdsl.basic-test in the test folder but linter is not linting the usage of do macro. 6. I tried following command as well but failed with and without --cache false npx clj-kondo --lint src test 7. here is the error output I am getting.
E:\Desktop\clojure\jdsl>cat test\jdsl\basic_test.clj | npx clj-kondo --lint -
WARNING: file jdsl/basic not found while loading hook
WARNING: error while trying to read hook for jdsl.basic/do: Could not find namespace: jdsl.basic.
<stdin>:37:16: error: Unresolved symbol: a
<stdin>:37:18: error: Unresolved symbol: <-
<stdin>:38:16: error: Unresolved symbol: b
<stdin>:40:15: error: jdsl.char-parser/skip-any-char is called with 0 args but expects 1
<stdin>:41:16: error: Unresolved symbol: e
<stdin>:49:16: error: Unresolved symbol: _
<stdin>:50:15: error: jdsl.char-parser/any-char is called with 0 args but expects 1
linting took 4859ms, errors: 7, warnings: 0
I tried to find and follow the Github issue but couldn't find the solution. PS. looking at those warning, seems like clj-kondo is unable to resolve the jdsl.basic/do macro located in src/jdsl/basic.clj file, not sure how to fix that. VERSION info - npx clj-kondo version v2023.05.26 calva version info- Calva version used: v2.0.374 clojure-lsp version used: 2023.07.01-22.35.41 clj-kondo version used: 2023.06.02-SNAPSHOT Clojure version - 1.11.0 Thanks in Advance. Vikas


There's a lot of stuff here. I think it's better to put this in a Github reo that I can run locally


But surely

WARNING: file jdsl/basic not found while loading hook
WARNING: error while trying to read hook for jdsl.basic/do: Could not find namespace: jdsl.basic.
is the root of the problem

Vikas Gautam15:07:00

Thanks for reply Sir. Repo is ready. checkout to clj-kondo-hook branch.


The issue is with:

(:require [jdsl.basic :as jb :refer [run]])


if you want to run this namespace in the clj-kondo hooks interpreter, you need to add it to the config

Vikas Gautam15:07:57

oh... what is the keyvalue pair to add it?


why do you want to do this?


What is the purpose of returning:

(list run form 'ts)

Vikas Gautam15:07:11

you can read the do macro doc string.

Vikas Gautam15:07:04

every form is a parser and I want to run the parser with the token-stream ie. ts as argument and pass the ts to the next parser call.


I think what you are looking for is really:

(ns hooks.basic
  (:refer-clojure :exclude [do])
  (:require [jdsl.basic :as-alias jb]))

(defn- expand->bindings 
  "Expands `parser`, `(parser)`, `(a <- parser)`, `(parser args)` forms 
   in the do macro to `let` bindings."
  (if-not (list? form)
    [['_ 'ts] (list `jb/run form 'ts)]
  (if (= 1 (count form))
    [['_ 'ts] (list `jb/run (first form) 'ts)]
  (let [[sym op prsr] form]
  (if (= '<- op)
    [[sym 'ts] (list `jb/run prsr 'ts)]
    [['_ 'ts] (list `jb/run form 'ts)])))))

(defn- expand->body
  "Expands the `parser`, `(parser)`, `(parser args)` form 
   in the do macro to `let` body"
  (if-not (list? form)
    (list `jb/run form 'ts)
  (if (= 1 (count form))
    (list `jb/run (first form) 'ts)
    (list `jb/run form 'ts))))


you don't want to return a list with the function from your library, but a list with a symbol that points to the function of your library

Vikas Gautam15:07:12

yes, it sounds correct, I think I might have tried api/token-node 'jdsl.basic/run along that spirit.

Vikas Gautam15:07:17

lemme test above.

Vikas Gautam15:07:54

it worked thanks, so will it work If I lein-git-down and use this as dependency in my other repo? Actually, I use this library to make parser for the interpreter, I am writing in clojure. Also, is :as-alias any different from :as here? Thanks for the quick help. Really Appreciate it.


as-alias only introduced an alias, but does not load a library


you can read here how to "export" your configuration so it will be visible to anyone who uses your library:

Vikas Gautam15:07:17

Sure, thanks once again. You are a life savor. I was stuck on this for 2 days.

🙏 2

Which version of clj-kondo was the :misplaced-docstring linter introduced? It seems that lein-clj-kondo doesn't have it, but the version bundled with the latest clojure-lsp does


I don't know, but you can include a newer clj-kondo as an extra dependency so lein-clj-kondo uses that one


also you can probably just use a git blame on src/clj_kondo/impl/config.clj to check yourself


also, there is the clojure-lsp diagnostics which should behave the same as the editor + extra linters you see in the editor


Thanks, @U04V15CAJ and @UKFSJSM38, I will try doing these things soon


I attempted using [clj-kondo "2023.05.26"] as a managed dependency, but lein-clj-kondo does not pick this up when I use it as a plugin. Am I supposed to use exclusions?


OK I think I see the problem — lein-clj-kondo is not evaluating code in the project, so it is always going to use its own clj-kondo version, regardless of what the project specifies


Does lein not allow to insert newer deps into plugins? That would surprise me about a dep management tool


The problem is there are multiple evaluation contexts in leiningen


To ensure proper isolation, you can either eval in project, eval in leiningen, or even set up your own classpath entirely


It looks like lein-clj-kondo evaluates in a context isolated from the project, so there is nothing the project can do to mess with the plugin


Likewise, whatever dependencies the lein-clj-kondo plugin uses will not mess with the project’s classpath


so while you are able to use exclusions, managed dependencies, etc. in a project, none of these will ever end up affecting lein-clj-kondo since lein-clj-kondo does not eval-in-project to begin with


for now i have decided to fork lein-clj-kondo, update the dependency, and deploy it in a private maven repository


Feel free to PR the update


after some investigation, i realized that made the following NOT trigger misplaced docstring

(deftest foo
  "not a docstring"
  (is ...))


so clojure-lsp is using an older version of clj-kondo before this was merged, presumably, because clojure-lsp does warn me about it


this resulted in a bit of a rabbit hole finding out why clojure lsp would complain about code that passed lint tests in CI 😄


% clojure-lsp --version
clojure-lsp 2023.02.27-13.12.12
clj-kondo 2023.02.17
alright, that explains everything now


I am working on a project with a friend who is very new to clojure and makes a lot of silly mistakes. So I have many clj-kondo linters set to :level :error so that he avoids many bad writing styles. In particular, he attempted writing a docstring for a test, but I dont think deftest even accepts docstrings. The :misplaced-docstring linter was helpful in finding this mistake. But later versions of clj-kondo no longer do this for deftest forms.


AFAIK deftest never took a docstring


Yeah. It looks like someone requested to make the :misplaced-docstring linter not warn about strings in a deftest form, though I personally liked the old behavior.


In general this should be reported as unused-value but it doesn't do this right now. I'll fix that

👍 2

BTW you have a outdated clojure-lsp, so outdated kondo, latest version is from July, you are using one from February