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I'm getting inconsistent behavior finding definitions and references, i.e. sometimes definitions not resolved across ns:s. What log can I use to troubleshoot this. I'm working on a polylith codebase.


Jumping between definitions/references has worked for me in Emacs+CIDER+LSP so the project config files should be in working order.


Is the file loaded in the repl? If the repl is connected, Calva will try to find the definitions via nREPL. I think there might be a bug there making Calva fail to fall back properly on lsp definitions. There’s a setting where you can change the priority, so that lsp definitions are queried first. Calva Definition Provider Priority, if changing that to prioritizing lsp removes the inconsistencies, then this is probably the issue. (That priority setting is fine to run with, it gets to matter sometimes in CLJC files). As for logs. Search the command palette for nREPL Logging and LSP Trace Level. (The lsp message log is in one of the Output pane channels.)

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