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Boot is saying that a checkout installed via defmulti lacks a function but I know it’s there.
Getting this weird error from boot adzerk.boot_cljs.util.proxy$java.lang.Throwable$ff19274a: Could not locate figwheel/client/utils__init.class or figwheel/client/utils.clj on classpath.
@urbanslug: are you referring to checkouts as they exist in leinigen?
@urbanslug: if so try boot checkout --help
Yes I am @martinklepsch
@urbanslug: are you trying to use figwheel as checkout dependency?
something in your code seems to require figwheel.client.utils
— that's what the error above is about
boot-cljs depends on figwheel, doesn't it? Or.. the code does, it assumes it is provided.
@dominicm: it doesn't depend on these either. boot-cljs-repl requires them to be provided. boot-cljs is separate to this stuff.
@martinklepsch: Ah. I always worked off the example, so it's just one big package in my head.
@martinklepsch: You think it could be a transitive dependency issue? or that one of my checkouts needs it?
@urbanslug: you can see the dependency tree via boot show -d
if anything would depend on it it shows up there. but in that case it would also be present during compilation
@urbanslug: have you tried searching your codebase/checkout's codebases for occurences of "figwheel"?
@urbanslug: how many checkouts are you using?
@urbanslug: have you tried with dependencies as they come from clojars?
@urbanslug: try figuring out which checkout dep is causing the error and then remove the figwheel references as needed
@martinklepsch: Thanks for helping me so much.
@urbanslug: you're welcome let me know how it goes
Okay, I have found the offending package but does that mean we can’t depend on packages that depend on figwheel under plugins?
@urbanslug: what's the package? usually figwheel is a "development time" dependency and should be specified as such
Lein plugins are not dependencies.
@urbanslug: have you tried step by step using checkout A, B, C, D, so that you know for sure which snapshot to look in?
as @juhoteperi said, the plugin shouldn't cause this kind of error
@martinklepsch: When I remove that depend I don’t get the figwheel error but rather an error that that a namespace or function from that dependency can’t be found.
How are you using checkouts? You should have the checkout dependency both in dependencies and in checkout task?
I’m removing them from checkouts and adding them to normal depends since they all seem to be on clojars. The boot file is kinda old.
oh, what was wrong with the checkout task? @micha