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:thinking_face: I'm using http.async.client
(mostly because I'm now using its websockets) and I'm facing an issue where it's not sending the authentication headers as expected...
(defn send-message [session msg channel]
(let [client (http/create-client)
resp (http/POST
; client (str " " channel "/message")
client "" ;I'd rather keep that private!
:headers {:Authorization (str "Bot " (get @session :token))}
:body {:content msg}
The body is fine (as you can see I'm using to check the request, great troubleshooting tool), but the Authorization
header is not present. Anyone can tell me how I'm derping?just a guess, but try to use string keys for headers, i.e. :headers {"Authorization" (str "Bot " (get @session :token))}
And simple as that, @manenko saves the day! Thank you, that was exactly it.
Quick question regarding clj-time that's probably too dumb for stackoverflow. If I have an arbitrary date, how can I specifically set the hour? Something like (at-hour (t/now) 9)? I could write a function but I feel like there's some core functionality that I'm glossing over.
And if I wrote a function it would require something like (t/date-time (t/year dt) (t/month dt) (t/day dt) hour (t/minutes dt) (t/seconds dt))'
which feels verbose, especially if I'm writing a functions for each granularity of a datetime.
whats the latest on clojure dataflow? it looks like it was around in contrib in v1.2, and now it is deprecated? there is hoplon which is a cljs implementation, and some other libs (pulsar?) but is native support anywhere?
you might want to look at core.async for that kind of thing
@rodeorockstar Feel free to open a GitHub issue on clj-time suggesting that enhancement… You’re right there’s nothing like it right now. The closest would be with-time-at-start-of-day
and then add the hours as a period I think...
@seancorfield Do you know how to do a lein clean on heroku?
@josh_tackett Sorry, no clue. I don’t use Heroku (beyond experimenting to get an instance up and running a Clojure program years ago).
no worries
@seancorfield No matching method: sha1Hex, compiling:(taoensso/carmine.clj:156:20)
I’m having this issue
lein deps :tree looks good though
Sounds like a version conflict. Have you tried :pedantic
That sha1Hex
error rings a bell… I don’t remember the fix tho’, sorry.
:pedantic ?
lein deps :pedantic
returns nothing
@josh_tackett run heroku config:set LEIN_BUILD_TASK=“clean compile”
err, maybe uberjar
instead of compile
@josh_tackett You’d need to put :pedantic? :abort
in project.clj
and then run lein deps
I think. I don’t use Leiningen these days but I think that’s the approach.
@seancorfield what does that do?
it looks like it won’t help with this issue
@dominicm I added that and it runs fine with lein run
the issue is happening when I run travis
Figured it out
it was another module of our project that was built in Java
it was throwing the error
and pushing up through since it is also a dep for me
@alexmiller thanks you are right - totally derped there/
I have a threading macro ->
I want to finish at some point based on a function parameter n
(defn step-until [n]
(-> foo
For (= n 2)
I’d like to execute until step3
I’m reading about cond->
but I don’t know how to apply it here. Is there a good soul with an idea how to do it? Thanks!Naively I’d write:
(defn step-until [n]
(cond-> foo
(< 1 n) step1
(< 2 n) step2
(< 3 n) step3
(< 4 n) step4
(< 5 n) step5))
no step-until
is not intended to be run in a loop
indeed you got me here it is loopish in behaviour, but I have a set of different steps
I would likely not have ended up with this particular structure though, because it feels very foreign to me.
no side effects here, i have a single map, that i pass to a number of functions...
yeah in that sense it’s a state
see the bottom of
thanks, but I still don’t see how reduce
would end multi-step map transformation at certain point.
boot.user=> (doc reduced) ------------------------- clojure.core/reduced ([x]) Wraps x in a way such that a reduce will terminate with the value x
Odds are though there is a completely different way to write this code such that none of this is an issue.
sure, thanks anyways!
it goes down to the data I think 😉 I think I’ll include the step number in the map as it’s meaningful (it’s queried upon)
I’m practicing basics of the language
I’ll post it on github soon enough 😉
@jswart thanks mate! you helped alot, I went with reduce
, but here’s the twist I’m passing a collection of partial
s from the initial threading macro to the reduce
and take n
from that collection before passing to reduce to get the desired effect. Good ‘ol reduce
always does the job 🙂