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Is there a way to use shell command with x11 in babashka?


how would you launch it from the terminal?

Ingy döt Net22:08:15

I think a useful CLI option (for using bb in scripts and Makefiles etc) would be -C some/dir to first chdir to the dir... Many commands use -C (`make` , tar , git , tig , rsync , scp , ssh , find , docker , npm , curl , wget , zip etc) bb -C jayfu run-main -> (cd jayfu && bb run-main)

til 4
Ingy döt Net22:08:36

credit/blame to co-pilot for identifying many of the above for me...


shell already has :dir you can pass to it (shell {:dir "api"} "clj -M:dev")

Ingy döt Net13:08:59

I'm talking about the options of using bb in a CLI context (like the options seen in bb --help).


I've never personally used this, first time I hear anyone request this, but it's also hard to implement since a JVM environment doesn't support chdir

Ingy döt Net16:08:14

Yeah, I guess that would make it tough. No big deal.