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Hi! I have been using an older s3 clojure library and I’m trying to switch to aws-api. I’m stuck on what to do with presigned urls. I see presigned urls are not supported. How does one go about serving secure images in a web app?

R.A. Porter14:04:43

I ended up using Java interop for presigned URLs.


Bummer guess I will have to use a lib that wraps the Java sdk instead

R.A. Porter15:04:09

It was the only thing I had to use interop for; I was able to do everything else with aws-api


I really want something light. clj-aws-s3 works well even though it’s deprecated. I tried s3mock with it but couldn’t provide a url which is why i thought i’d bite the bullet and switch to a lib that is actively maintained aws-api.


Not quite a full solution but have you seen the discussion here: there's a linked gist there that might be useful

Jacob Emcken15:10:56

I created a library (initially for myself) which I successfully used with Babashka to create pre-signed GET URLs:

👍 3