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I am trying to register an event listener with a use-effect hook. Right now I just have a simple function that logs to a console but not seeing the log statement. Also, how do I return a callback to remove the event listener? Is it just another line below my addEventListener?

(hooks/use-effect []
                      (.addEventListener js/window "onkeydown" (fn [e] (js/console.log "checkkey"))) )


hooks/use-effect is tricky in Helix because, unlike React’s useEffect, there is an implicit closure in the body. Consequently, the following code is incorrect

(hooks/use-effect :once
  (fn mount []
    (fn unmount [] ...)))
whereas the following code is correct
(hooks/use-effect :once
  (fn unmount [] ...))


So to answer your event listener question: you’ll want something like this

(hooks/use-effect :once
  (js/window.addEventListener event handle-event)
  (fn unmount []
    (js/window.removeEventListener event handle-event)))


Ok, thanks that makes sense... I was about ask a bunch of questions. Let me give that a try.


Finally got my code to work with your suggestion and had to change "onkeydown" to "keydown" for the event. Thanks @hifumi123

👍 2