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julienvincent12:07:16 - A new Paredit implementation for Neovim! This is a new implementation for Neovim, built using Treesitter. After getting setup with I quickly became annoyed with how the cursor would always be placed on the moved form's edge when slurping/barfing. A colleague (@armed) had been experimenting with reimplementing paredit with Treesitter and we decided to flesh it out into a somewhat complete implementation. This is the result. Right now this only has support for clojure but we do intend to have support for other languages. It's still pretty beta, but feel free to give it a try!

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Noah Bogart16:07:52

This is super cool! It looks like the default keybinds mirror tpope's, but I haven't checked them all. Did you diverge anywhere?


We are not trying to completely mirror vim-sexp, just basic splurpage/barfage and motions. Everything else can be extended through public api

👍 6

For example autopairs functionality is not part of a plugin, people may use third party plugins for that.


@UEENNMX0T yes the bindings were based off of tpopes plugin! I can't remember off-hand if we diverged, but I'd be happy to change the defaults to match if we did

👍 6
Noah Bogart17:07:40

No worries, purely curious. I'll switch and take this for a spin! vim-sexp doesn't support treesitter-only syntax highlighting, so i'm excited to try this out


Awesome! Let us know if you run into any issues :)


@U0516053R Good question. I didn’t use that plugin, here is a few differences I noticed: • nvim-paredit is neovim only and written in lua • nvim-paredit is not using custom parsing, it is build around treesitter API • no opinionated keymaps, but have some defaults (which I don’t use personally) • no autobalance (yet? or maybe never) • is clojure only at the moment, but supports lang extensions, clojure itself is a builtin extension • beta software, some things is about to change in the future

nonrecursive14:07:01 This library provides a helper for constructing emails independent of whatever email service you use. Features include: • Use text and HTML email templates for email body • Use text template for email subject • Set global options (like :from) and easily override those options • Parameterizes the email sending function so you can replace it with a mock in tests • Parameterizes template rendering function so you can use something other than selmer if you want

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