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Lidor Cohen07:07:46

Hi everyone! I'm having trouble using defnav from (shadow)cljs. I think it has something do with macros + cljs and I haven't had much experience with that yet. if anyone had experience with that I'll appreciate the help 🙂 My current error is:

Can't def ns-qualified name in namespace CELL-sp at line 36 utils/specter.cljc
  37 |   CELL
  38 |   []
  39 |   (sp/select* [this structure next-fn]
  40 |               ((maybe-formula next-fn) structure))

Lidor Cohen13:07:31

for future ref, this was my issue:

defnav expand to: (declare CELL-sp/select*) instead of CELL-select* the / messes up the var's name