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borkdude09:07:06 Native, fast starting Clojure interpreter for scripting 1.3.182 (2023-07-20) • add bb print-deps: sort dependencies ( • Upgrade babashka.http-client to 0.4.12, fixes :insecure option • Bump to 1.3.23: fixes infinite loop with reader conditional expression • Bump to Bumping to 1.12.59 • Bump with more fixes which should make downloading/installation of tools jar more robust • Add .ssl.X509ExtendedTrustManager class • Bump accept path or file as :dir argument • Bump to 2.0.0-RC1 Thanks for the support gratitude !

babashka 48
🎉 14
gratitude 12
❤️ 6
catjam 4

@U04V15CAJ grammar nitpick: “fast-starting” should be hyphenated.

Colin (fosskers)01:07:23

Whoa nice, TIL that Babashka has timbre and simple web server stuff built in!

Colin (fosskers)01:07:49

What's the expected use case for say using hiccup in this way?


@U058DHAN3UP You can see an example of a babashka web app with hiccup here:

Colin (fosskers)09:07:59

Thanks, good to know one could whip up quick servers in a pinch!


Hey everyone, I haven't been around these here parts in a while, but I have now returned with not one, but TWO announcements, the first one being a long overdue status update on Ghostwheel, which I'm sure everyone thought long dead and buried, but they'd be wrong! So wrong. Which is to say that yes, TL;DR, it is in fact dead, but (most of) its parts live on in beautiful synergistic independence.

🔥 20
🎉 8


🙌 2

This is awesome! I'd totally missed Guardrails somehow, and I'm really looking forward to playing with Playback! I hate to say it but I think the Playback screencast is really confusing, mainly because the number of windows that are open and undergoing change made it really unclear what I should be looking at. I think the use of (presumably Guardrails?) typing on foo will also throw some people off. Personally I think your best option would be to hide the nREPL entirely, and put the rich comments in the same window as the definition of foo, so that you really only have two windows active at a time. Some narration might really help too, but with just two windows I think you could get away without it. Hope that's helpful. Any confusion I may have had was far outweighed by excitement about Guardrails and Playback 😁

👆 2

No, you're totally right, it's horrible! :D I was at the point where I just had to get the thing out the door, but yeah, way too much going on. The nREPL hiding is a good idea, I was thinking that too. Will definitely redo it in the not too far future, hopefully already over the next days.


Added a note to the YouTube video, but yeah, definitely needs redoing.


> I was at the point where I just had to get the thing out the door Heh, I know that feeling all too well 😂


When you get a chance to play around with it, let me know how it goes!


A long way from greatness, but definitely better:

👍 2

We've been using Guardrails in our product for a while now, I love it!


> A long way from greatness, but definitely better: Ah, yeah, that definitely seems clearer to me! I'd still lean toward either removing the window/section with the rich comment (in favor of putting the rich comment in the same buffer as the defn), or use the mouse to switch between upper-left and lower-left, because it's a bit hard for my eye to notice when the blinking cursor switches windows. But that's just a suggestion, it already seems way clearer to me!


(filed an issue on the repo, btw -- I got an error when I tried to incorporate playback into a clojure-only project. NBD of course, just wanted to let you know 🙂)


@UGNFXV1FA I love that it's collecting kudos-by-proxy for me 😁 I'm really glad Tony picked it up and took as good care of it as he did when I fell off the radar, and kept the hope alive that we'll be seeing widespread gspecs throughout all kinds of codebases at some point in the future.


> use the mouse to switch between upper-left and lower-left That occurred to me right after I'd finished publishing the new version and I decided to get over my tendency to fiddle beyond a reasonable point and not redo it this time, much as it pained me. 😅

💯 2

> (filed an issue on the repo, btw -- I got an error when I tried to incorporate playback into a clojure-only project. NBD of course, just wanted to let you know I assume this goes away if you add ClojureScript to your dev dependencies?


I'd assume so, will try to check that today but work is a bit crazy currently so may not get time.


Yep, confirmed.


Cool, thanks, I replied to to keep the conversation in one place. TL;DR – I'm okay solving this with a hammer instead of a scalpel.

👍 2
😆 2

Also kudos to @U066U8JQJ for using it in Pathom, that’s how we found out about guardrails!

🙌 2

The second one is my new open-source project: There's a short screencast, but in the 3 minutes it takes to watch, you might just be up and running with the actual library. If you like it, come upvote the, so I can make the front page and get eyeballs and internet points.

🎉 22
👍 4