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practicalli-johnny05:06:34 now has a, providing • plugin for Clojure REPL workflow (and many other languages) • Clojure LSP for static analysis diagnostics and code actions (disabled for Conjure log) • Treesitter Clojure language parser • Parinfer for parents wrangling AstroNvin 3.17.0 now includes a default localeader , to support Conjure key mappings is a Lua community configuration for Neovim, providing a rich user experience, a separate user configuration, Neovim 0.9 support, Lazy plugin manager, Mason tool manager (LSP servers, format & Lint tools) and Telescope selectors. AstroCommunity extends AstroNvim with a wider range of packages, including language packs (code & config). extends the AstroNvim user config example, providing a quick way to have Clojure REPL workflow tools, Git & GitHub code/issue/pr management, multi-cursor editing, noice command pop dialogues, a range of theme variants and zen mode for distraction free editing. Thank you to @rahul080327 and the AstroNvim maintainers for helping me create the Clojure language support and @olical for the excellent (and supporting projects)

wow 18
neovim 42
🎉 24
❤️ 18