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Daniel Ziltener10:10:25

We are wondering if a call to xt/submit-tx always results in a new transaction log entry, even if it is an empty transaction. Does it?


Hey @U029CG5DAPP - yes it will do, and you can observe this by noting how the returned tx-id and tx-time are increasing

Daniel Ziltener13:10:00

Okay, thanks for the information πŸ™‚ We have a background process that transacts every few minutes, so we will ensure then that it only calls tx/submit-tx when there actually is something to transact, so we don't pollute the log.

πŸ‘ 1
☺️ 1

is there an xt/entity-tx for multiple eids? I have a sequence of eids I'd like to get the ::xt/tx-time for... Even better if I can do it via a single query...


Hey @U0HJD63RN you can call xtdb.api/entity-tx from within a query, e.g.

{:find [etx]
 :in [[e ...]]
 :where [[(xtdb.api/entity-tx $ e) etx]]}


is $ doing anything special here?


seems like its passing db in?

βœ… 1

oh nice thanks @U899JBRPF!

πŸ™ 1