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Hi there, great seeing Juxt at Conj 👋 I'm attempting to play with the new xtdb goodness. I'm wanting to build a custom Docker image configured to use postgres as the transaction log storage. It's instructing me to hardcode the :db-spec bits (username, password, etc) directly into the EDN config file, but is there any way I can set these via env vars on the docker container itself? That would fit in much nicer with what we're already doing with our other containers.


I think we normally use to get env vars into the config, here's an excerpt from how we're using (and mysql, but will be the same for postgres)

    {:xtdb.http-server/server {:port 5511}

     {:kv-store {:xtdb/module xtdb.rocksdb/->kv-store
                 :db-dir "db/txes"}}

     {:kv-store {:xtdb/module xtdb.rocksdb/->kv-store
                 :db-dir "db/docs"}}

     {:kv-store {:xtdb/module xtdb.rocksdb/->kv-store
                 :db-dir "db2/idxs"}}

     {:dialect {:xtdb/module xtdb.jdbc.mysql/->dialect}
      :pool-opts {}
      :db-spec   {:dbtype "mysql"
                  :dbname #env MYSQL_DATABASE
                  :user #env MYSQL_USER
                  :password #env MYSQL_PASSWORD
                  :host #env MYSQL_HOST
                  :port #env MYSQL_PORT}}


I'm starting the node using clojure -m xtdb.main, which seems to do its own reading of the xtdb.edn config file. I'm not quite sure I understand how I could slot aero into that equation :thinking_face:


Ah ok, not sure I’ve seen someone running xtdb in production like that, usually there’s enough of an advantage to integrant and maybe a repl namespace to make using a custom main function worth it, but there may well still be a way to do it with xtdb.main. (@U899JBRPF will probably know)


Right now I'm just overriding the module implementations. I grab the env vars and then pass them down as maps into the stock ->connection-pool and ->document-store functions, which seems to be working okay.


I guess you could pass options via the cli and read from env vars that way? A brief skim of the code makes it seem like there isn’t a way to do it just with the config file as it doesn’t get put through aero


Yea that's what I'm gathering from reading the code as well.


(defn ->document-store {::sys/args {:prefix {:required? false,
                                             :spec      :xtdb.s3/prefix
                                             :doc       "S3 prefix"}}
                        ::sys/deps {:configurator   'xtdb.s3/->configurator
                                    :document-cache 'xtdb.cache/->cache}}
    (assoc props :bucket (System/getenv "XTDB_BUCKET_NAME"))))


I've made my own namespace and am overriding the module implementations like so


Instead of requiring those options from the config file I'm gathering them from the env and passing them down into the stock modules


Tedious, but works


Making a main function that just calls xt/start-node is far easier tho, should've just done that from the start 🙂

clojure-spin 2

I have the same question for using S3 as the document store. Must I hardcode the bucket name into the xtdb.edn file?


Looking at the 2.x docs, I'm having a mental block understanding how the join occurs in this query. Do you have sample results you could share?

;; find me the supplier(s) offering this part for the lowest price

{:find [supplier-name part-price]
 :in [part-id]
 :where [($ :suppliers [{:xt/id supplier-id} supplier-name])
         ($ :supplier-prices [supplier-id part-id part-price])

         (q {:find [(min part-price)]
             :keys [min-part-price]
             :in [part-id]
             :where [($ :supplier-prices [part-id part-price])]})]}


Yes that query looks off. I am not at the REPL so can't test, but on the outer where you need to check that min-part-price is equal to part-price.


Okay, that makes more sense. Thank you!