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Anders Corlin10:01:53

#cuerdas string library doesn't have an own channel here. Just found that latest versions 2023.10.15-405 & 407 consider capital E and Q as white space ... is there any other channel here that could be used to warn others for those versions?

(str/trim "E is white space")
=> "is white space"

Anders Corlin10:01:58

• Add performance improvement for default case of trim, rtrim and ltrim (arity 1) now has the regexp:

which seems to be wrong.


Are you talking about the built-in namespace clojure.string and its trim function? Or something else?


@U05Q6BCP6DV The best approach is to create issues on that GH repo with examples of the bugs -- that way others will be able to see the issues for themselves.


(which I see you've already done -- so that's good)


You could also post in #C093UFM4M which is where most of that libraries users here hang out I suspect.

🙏 1