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I am trying to come up with a shadow build of a Web/MX app currently built/run with figwheel.main. This shadow is perfect, but it does not actually do anything but present the index.html as is. The missing bit is where our code replaces the "app" , but I guess it goes here, with suitable requires for the goog.* stuff:

(defn init []
  ;; init is called ONCE when the page loads
  ;; this is called in the index.html and must be exported
  ;; so it is available even in :advanced release builds
  (js/console.log "init")
  ;; ---- new code ---
  (let [root (gdom/getElement "app")]
    (set! (.-innerHTML root) nil)
    (gdom/appendChild root
        (sanitizer/sanitize "<h2>Hi, Mom!!!</h2>"))))
  ;; ---- end new ----
In my figwheel stuff that new code is just a top-level form in the core file. Aside: I grok that that only runs once. Web/MX manages DOM dynamically on its own. Not sure what hot reload will bring, but see we will. If that ^^ does not look horrifying


I don't understand your question


> The missing bit is where our code replaces the "app"


what do you mean by that? the quickstart contains everything you need


Just getting up to speed slowly. The quickstart never replaces the "app" node, and that step is what I wanted to change. The QS start just logs to the console. If that also was where QS launched its own app, perhaps just to show a SPAN saying "hello app", I would have had the full picture. In hindsight it seems clear. I caught on anyway thanks to this excellent,is%20very%20much%20the%20same. and I see now I could have replaced the "app" node in the start fn, or had the init fn call my own function that replaces "app". Very nice. Thx! 🙏


this includes the code


this is called when the code is loaded


your code above seems correct?

James Amberger18:05:06

Running npx shadow-cljs on my institutional machine behind a proxy I get

UnknownHostException  <proxy.address:port>: invalid IPv6 address
I'm asking in #C6N245JGG because I have my proxy configured in .m2/settings.xml and that seems to work when I run clj with :mvn deps in another project. npm i also works.Take pity on me, this has ruined my morning. I have attempted to set _JAVA_OPTIONS='-.preferIPv4Stack=true' , this is recognized but doesns't help.


Sounds like an issue with the shadow-cljs server starting up behind your company VPN, but there is insufficient information here

James Amberger18:05:18

I think I'm not even reaching the point of starting the server; it fails to download the artifacts from maven

James Amberger00:05:38

@U05224H0W if you want an issue or a doc pr filed mentioning this reason for using clj please let me know; I am happy to provide


you can configure :maven {:proxy ...} in shadow-cljs.edn or ~/.shadow-cljs/config.edn


.m2/settings.xml isn't used I think

James Amberger19:05:53

it seems to be used because my proxy address is showing up in the stack trace, even if I prepend the command with http_proxy= https_proxy=

James Amberger19:05:09

but... it looks like running with clj can be made to defeat this issue


Hi! In my browser project I have a macro that reads a couple of Markdown-files into a map and binds that map to a var. I have marked the namespace using that macro to reload on any change (with :dev/always). That works pretty well except for one thing: changes to the MD-files do not trigger a reload although they're in one of my source paths. I always have to touch one of my cljs files to update the var. Is there any way to have non-`.clj(s)` files watched and trigger a reload?


Aweseome, and quick as always, thanks!

James Amberger19:05:57

Guys amazing thank you