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braai engineer09:03:46

How do I allow Form-2 component to return a list of multiple elements instead of a vector? I need to render two :div elements per iteration for a Semantic accordion, but (list [:div ...] [:div ...]) breaks when you add local state. Returning a single div breaks the CSS. Here is my component:

(defn customer-accordion [customer]
  (let [active? (atom false)]
    (fn [customer]
        ^{:key (str (:id customer) ":accordion")}
         {:on-click #(swap! active? not)
          :class    (if @active? "active")}
         [:i.dropdown.icon] (:name customer)]
        ^{:key (str (:id customer ":accordion-content")}
         {:class (if @active? "active")}
         [:div "Some more data goes here"]]))))


@petrus let me enter “the ugliest solution” competition 🙂


React doesn't (currently) support components which render multiple nodes: