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I must say that getting started with reagent can be frustrating as opposed to react/redux there are so many moving parts
@gadfly361: yup that was handler.clj
the reagent template that you are using is great for making a production-ready applications. However, there are lighter-weight templates out there that you may find useful when starting out. For example:
for what you are doing you may want to try: lein new reagent-figwheel myproject +routes
@gadfly361: I want to basically go over the very basic examples on the reagent page, then graduallly make more complex apps
@gadfly361: I'll test the water for about a month before deciding whether I stick with react/redux or i go with clojurescript
@lewix: if you are wanting to go over basic examples, then I think you should do lein new reagent-figwheel myproject
. I find it to be the smallest amount of setup to get reagent and figwheel working with no other bloat. (and i don't think cljs development is the same without fighweel - it is awesome!)
gadfly361: I just find it frustrating to make the connection between all those libs in a given template
@gadfly361: i,e I just asked a veteran clojure guy what I'm doing wrong,and he couldn't figure that out because he didn't know what secretary was
@lewix: Yeah, that makes sense, i understand where you are coming from. I do encourage you to check out reagent-figwheel (instead of the template you are currently using, reagent-template). By default it is bare bones, and does not come with any unnecessary libs such as secretary - it only comes with reagent and figwheel and is meant for people wanting to 'check out' reagent 🙂
@gadfly361: thank you I'll make sure to use it
;(defn lister [items]
; [:ul
; (for [item items]
; ^{:key item} [:li "Item " item])]
(defn lister [items]
(map #([:li "Item " %]) items)])
How would you rewrite this with a map?not exactly the same situation, but close. I think either the for version or the (map (fn [])) version will be less surprising for other people looking at the code
(defn timer-component []
(let [seconds-elapsed (r/atom 0)]
(fn []
(js/setTimeout #(swap! seconds-elapsed inc) 1000)
"Seconds Elapsed: " @seconds-elapsed])))
how to do the same thing with react lifecycle methods?(def seconds-elapsed (r/atom 0))
(defn ^{:component-did-mount
(fn []
(js/setTimeout #(swap! seconds-elapsed inc) 1000))}
timer-component []
[:div [:h2 "This is a timer"]
"Seconds Elapsed: " @seconds-elapsed])
;; my attempt@lewix: try this:
(def seconds-elapsed (r/atom 0))
(defn render [ratom]
[:div "Seconds Elapsed: " @ratom])
(defn set-timeout! [ratom]
(js/setTimeout #(swap! ratom inc) 1000))
(defn component [ratom]
{:reagent-render #(render ratom)
:component-did-mount #(set-timeout! ratom)
:component-did-update #(set-timeout! ratom)}))
(def seconds-elapsed (r/atom 0))
(def set-timeout!
(js/setInterval #(swap! seconds-elapsed inc) 1000))
^{:component-did-mount (set-timeout!)}
timer-component []
[:div [:h2 "This is a timer"]
"Seconds Elapsed: " @seconds-elapsed])
@gadfly361: have you tried your version?
here are the steps to reproduce:
1) create a new project: lein new reagent-figwheel myproject
2) replace the contents of core.cljs with:
(ns myproject.core
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent]))
(def seconds-elapsed (reagent/atom 0))
(defn render [ratom]
[:div "Seconds Elapsed: " @ratom])
(defn set-timeout! [ratom]
(js/setTimeout #(swap! ratom inc) 1000))
(defn component [ratom]
{:reagent-render #(render ratom)
:component-did-mount #(set-timeout! ratom)
:component-did-update #(set-timeout! ratom)}))
(defn reload []
(reagent/render [component seconds-elapsed]
(.getElementById js/document "app")))
(defn ^:export main []
3) start up figwheel, lein figwheel dev
4) go to localhost:3449i did, so if i didn't use component-did-update, it would only count to 1 because component-did-update only happens once
(def seconds-elapsed (r/atom 0))
(def set-timeout!
(js/setTimeout #(swap! seconds-elapsed inc) 1000))
^{:component-did-mount (set-timeout!)
:component-did-update (set-timeout!)}
timer-component []
[:div [:h2 "This is a timer"]
"Seconds Elapsed: " @seconds-elapsed])
so regarding component-did-mount and component-did-update, it works like this: component renders --> executes component-did-mount function.... now because our component-did-mount function does a swap! on our ratom and it is dereferenced (i.e., @ratom
), it will now executre the function in component-did-update, which in turn will swap! and go into a loop calling itself over and over
@gadfly361: did you mean "execute the function in component-did-update" ?
@gadfly361: How does it work when the component returns a function?
this will be able to explain it better than i can:
Also, I assume that your example can be rewritten as such:
(defn component [ratom]
{:reagent-render #(render ratom)
:component-did-mount (set-timeout! ratom) ;;(set-timeout!) returns a function
:component-did-update (set-timeout! ratom)}))
also, the example you gave above shouldn't work - i just tried it and it doesn't appear to increment past 1 (in the case of with parens, or at all in the case without).
the #
is necessary in create-class because component-did-mount needs a function reference, to be executed at a later time. without the #
, it will execute the function right then and there .. and that doesn't return a function, bc it will in turn execute the timeout immediately
@gadfly361: that's so weird - it works fine on my side
Hi folks, I’m trying to model an app-db atom to keep track of component selection, I’ve played with the two following approaches and they both have issues:
{:selected [:foo]
:foo {...}
:bar {...}}}}
[{:type :foo :selected true ...}
{:type :bar ...}]}}
Has anyone come up with something better?