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So I have an issue. NEVERMIND. The load/process pattern confused me and I called the process and not the load.
(fn [db [_ response]]
(-> db
(assoc :notes-list-answered? true)
(assoc :notes-list response))))
(fn [db _]
(GET "/api/list-notes" {:format :json
:handler #(dispatch [:process-notes-list %])})
Then later, after dispatching :process-notes-list, notes-list
is nil
. I have similar code doing the same thing with another API endpoint and it’s working fine, and the API works fine in swagger… Any tips?Hello all, if I want to control the enable state of a button, where do I use it, :component-did-mount
or :component-did-update
@fabrao neither!
[:button {:disabled @enabled?}]
the problem is that the button state set is inside jQuery object like this
(if (not= "" @(re-frame/subscribe [:item-selecionado]))
(.enable (aget js/w2ui (str nome "_toolbar")) "print")
(.disable (aget js/w2ui (str nome "_toolbar")) "print"))
you're not making things easy for yourself my using react with a third-party (non-react aware) UI toolkit
no no, you can do it, but it requires a certain amount of trickery
you'll need to create the external button in the component-did-mount fn (or callback ref)
essentially you want to build a wrapper component
which takes enabled? as a prop
then add a component-will-receive-props method to react to changes to the prop by calling the imperative code
but if you need to do it a lot, you won't enjoy have a pleasant time
better to pick a react-ready (or css-only) toolkit