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Hello. Is it possible to skip tests for a specific project? Yes, I know there is a skip:proj argument, but we have a lot of small projects all depend on small set of common components and it's quite heavy to enumerate them all. My idea right now is to install a default runner as a nullifying one.


You can specify :test {:include []} for a project in workspace.edn see Then no brick tests will be executed for that project.

👌 1

this is exactly what i was looking for. thanks.

👍 1

BTW, when do you expect v0.2.18 to be released?


Unfortunately, I can't say date. But the ambition is to release it this year. It will be a big release, but the idea is that it should be a good basis for the continued work. The goal is to release more frequently in the future.


Good news. I am on master now, but still eager for that release.

👍 1