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As many of you already know, we are working on moving the poly tool documentation to cljdoc. I just added to our list of production systems. It consists of 93K lines of Clojure code and has almost 50 lambdas! So please check it out.

👍 1
💯 4
polylith 3

That reminds me that I've been meaning to make an observation here about our codebase... Here's the current numbers:

Clojure build/config 22 files 409 total loc,
    198 deps.edn files, 3518 loc.
Clojure source 591 files 111263 total loc,
    4865 fns, 1093 of which are private,
    662 vars, 45 macros, 105 atoms,
    90 agents, 21 protocols, 63 records,
    827 specs, 10 function specs.
Clojure tests 606 files 26115 total loc,
    5 specs, 1 function specs.

Clojure total 1197 files 137378 total loc

   23 bases 446 files 74155 total loc,
   152 components 743 files 62768 total loc,
   23 projects 8 files 455 total loc,
  total 1197 files 137378 total loc.
The total lines of code really hasn't changed much -- and yet we've continued to add bases and components and projects and refactor code to be more reusable which has allowed us to reduce near-duplication and also to add functionality without adding much code!

❤️ 4
polylith 5