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Yuhri Graziano Bernardes00:07:09

Hi everyone. I've just created a new component and tests are not running for it even passing :dev , :all-bricks and :all in every possible combination. This is what I get in my poly info

projects: 3   interfaces: 3
  bases:    0   components: 3

  project              alias   status   dev
  -----------------------------------   ---
  integration-tests *  itests   ---     ---
  unit-tests           utests   ---     ---
  development *        dev      s--     s--

  interface  brick        itests  utests   dev
  ---------------------   --------------   ---
  config     config *      -tx     -tx     st-
  database   database *    -tx     -tx     st-
  logger     logger *      ---     -tx     st-
Does anyone knows what should I do to make them run? I tried to create one project for each test to have specific kaocha config for each test type. But even with that tests didn't ran for the logger project (the one I've just created) I've included paths to my root deps.edn for components/logger/src and components/logger/test


Hey there. You mention Kaocha - how are you trying to use it with polylith? In case the answer to that is polylith-kaocha, have you followed the integration steps on the p-k gh readme? In case the answer is yes, do the tests in question run if you run them with the default test runner?

Yuhri Graziano Bernardes11:07:39

Hi @U08BJGV6E. Yep. I'm using poly-kaocha, and aI've added those extra deps in both root deps.edn (test-runner) and component specific deps.edn (wrapper). Good catch about run with default test runner. It has worked for all bricks. Now when I try to run with poly-kaocha it does not run the logger one. I'm tryping to remove my kaocha config and run it again with p-k Edit: Still not running logger component's test

Yuhri Graziano Bernardes11:07:23

Right... I found the issue. It was between the screen and the chair :man-facepalming:... I messed up with my logger's deps.edn at some point. My IDE was not updating my buffer from disk so in my IDE it was okay, but in my Disk it was not... Thank you for the support!

duckie 2