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I haven't gotten ahold of a windows machine yet, but I was able to identify some problems and fix a few (locally so far). The crux of the problem is that we're too lax about converting from paths to urls and back. Shouldn't be too difficult to fix fully.
@bhagany MS offers free VMs for testing. Officially they are for Web Devs to test IE8-IE11, but I’m sure they won’t mind(;
(And this finalises the quota for MS related links that I’m going to share anywhere in 2017^^)
Hello guys!
Someone mentioned me on slack a couple of weeks ago that he wanted to make a klipse integration for perun
Do you know if it has been done?
what would the advantage of that be?
I use perun (and am going to use klipse) so I'm interested obv
but you can just add the script to the <head>
and it should klipsify all code tags, no?
A couple of advantages:
1. make the integration smoother (you don’t have to deal with Klipse urls)
2. simplify the configuration: for instance for non-clojure snippets, you want to use the minified version of klipse
If I could just remember who is the guy that slacked with me about that… :thinking_face:
… He mention other advantages
lost in the 10,000 message black hole?
Even if it were 1,000,000 it would have been lost
But I cannot find a way to restrict my search to the #klipse channel
we should build an algolia based search for clojurians
that'd be awesome!
@bhagany I fixed the issues on windows for me with a few changes to perun.core, but am unsure if there's a better way to structure the solution than my current one. Right now I just have the following constants
(def file-separator (System/getProperty "file.separator"))
(def file-separator-regex (re-pattern
and have replaced all hardcoded slashes and regexes that use slashes with these. Any thoughts? Should I just make a PR?@jjttjj It seemed more complicated to me in a few places, because for urls, you always want "/" instead of the system file separator. I would like to see your code though.
Unfortunately, I am a ... bit busy. I just found out the company I work for is going under, so um... I'm not quite sure when I'll be able to get back to this.
@pesterhazy Regarding the integration of klipse that I mentioned earlier today - It was not perun but cyrogen. And it has been done
Ah cool!