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Hello! Is latest pedestal snapshot version in clojars broken? I get this:

Caused by: Could not locate io/pedestal/tracing__init.class, io/pedestal/tracing.clj or io/pedestal/tracing.cljc on classpath.


Hmm I just looked at the latest embedded template and I suppose that just

io.pedestal/pedestal.jetty {:mvn/version "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"}
in deps is not enough, we need
io.pedestal/pedestal.service {:mvn/version "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"}
in addition


Running everything locally and for tests I tend to have the entire classpath rolled together. It looks like there a missing dependency in pedestal.service; could you share your entire project.clj or deps.edn? It’s possible you are mixing and matching versions (intentionally or not).


I'm pretty sure this is something in your build, some mix-and-match of dependencies. I've checked that pedestal.jetty has a dependency on pedestal.service, and it has a dependency on pedestal.telemetry.


My repo is based on the deps-new template in this commit exactly The funny thing is that it worked without problems the past few weeks and yesterday I launched my repl and stumbled upon the above problem


Can you do a clj -Stree? Need to see the dependency structure to understand.


Yeah let me get home and I'll report back in 20'


Funny thing, I added io.pedestal/pedestal.service {:mvn/version "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"} to my deps, build worked (after the above error) and after I removed it again (`io.pedestal/pedestal.service {:mvn/version "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"}`) the build still seems to work


I'm starting to believe that I had the latest io.pedestal/pedestal.jetty snapshot but not the latest io.pedestal/pedestal.service snapshot and adding io.pedestal/pedestal.service to the deps list kinda forced it to pull the latest snaphot one with tracing


I should had run clj -Stree before adding the io.pedestal/pedestal.service to deps to be able and verify this, well it works now so it doesn't really matter