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Olav Fosse10:01:16

How should I go about learning JVM async and concurrency? Open to book suggestions etc :^). Mostly interested in learning what underlies Missionary.

Olav Fosse16:01:04

For learning purposes I tried implementing mi/seed by hand. Is this correct? Any bugs?

(defn seed [coll]
  (fn flow [notifier terminator]
    (let [remaining (atom (seq coll))]
        (invoke [iter])
        (deref [iter]
          (let [retval (first @remaining)]
            (swap! remaining rest)
            (if (empty? @remaining)


for an empty collection it should call terminator immediately


the actual implementation also crashes on cancellation, which prevents an infinite sequence from running into an infinite loop

Olav Fosse16:01:31

ah true! I’ll have a look at the cancellation implementaiton 🤓 thanks!

Olav Fosse17:01:07

From > It may throw an exception to indicate a failure, in this case it must not call the notifier again. Would it be correct to say: > It may throw an exception to indicate a failure, in this case it must not call the notifier again. It must throw an exception if terminator has been called.


you mean what should happen if the consumer calls deref without having been notified ?

Olav Fosse17:01:41

I just misunderstood the mi/seed cancellation mechanism. I assumed that after cancelling it would crash by making deref throw an exception. I’ll take a further look at mi/seed cancellation tomorrow :^)


> I assumed that after cancelling it would crash by making deref throw an exception. This is correct

Olav Fosse09:01:50

I got my terminology conflated in my previous message. I meant to say: > It may throw an exception to indicate a failure, in this case it must not call the notifier again. It must throw an exception if the process has been cancelled. Anyways, I think I’ve got a correct implementation now 😅

(defn seed [coll]
  (fn flow [notifier terminator]
    (let [remaining (atom (seq coll))
          cancelled (atom false)]
      (if (empty? @remaining)
        (invoke [iter] (reset! cancelled true))
        (deref [iter]
          (let [retval (first @remaining)]
            (swap! remaining rest)
            (if (or (empty? @remaining) @cancelled)
              (do (terminator)
                  (when @cancelled (throw (Cancelled. "Seed cancelled"))))

Olav Fosse09:01:51

This missionary stuff is really heavy on my brain so sorry for confusing things 😅


> It must throw an exception if the process has been cancelled. It is a missionary convention to crash with an instance of missionary.Cancelled if a process is cancelled before self-termination. The flow spec doesn't enforce it