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Ory Band11:09:14

Hi. I'm trying ot use a default fn value transformer from the tips section ( and also discussed here, but sci fails with "could not resolve symbol" with the function i'm using. Any idea why?

; (err) Execution error (ExceptionInfo) at sci.impl.utils/throw-error-with-location (utils.cljc:39).
; (err) Could not resolve symbol: get-num-cpus

Ory Band11:09:15

got a response from borkdude here, unclear how to proceed though - how to pass a namespace?


you can pass in the normal sci-options via :malli.core/sci-options. what ever sci accepts, is accepted here too:

 [:fn '(fn [arg] (malli.impl.util/-invalid? arg))]
 {::m/sci-options {:namespaces {'malli.impl.util {'-invalid? malli.impl.util/-invalid?}}}})
; => true


sci readme seems to have tips and helpers on how to bind multiple things at once.

Ory Band12:09:33

specifically in my case, how can i add my custom fn get-num-cpu?


(defn get-num-cpus []
  (-> (Runtime/getRuntime) .availableProcessors))

 [:fn '(fn [arg] (= arg (get-num-cpus)))]
 {::m/sci-options {:namespaces {'user {'get-num-cpus get-num-cpus}}}})
; => true


does that solve the issue?


but, do you need sci here?

Ory Band12:09:34

thanks tommi! testing, getting back to you soon

Ory Band12:09:51

hmm, i thought i did. don't i? i need to calculate the value based on amount of available cpus


you could also just remove the ' and say #(hash-map :thread-count (* 5 (get-num-cpus)))

Ory Band12:09:11

wait. i could do that? i thought you couldn't pass functions


m/eval takes any function or a source code. for the latter, it uses sci to interpret it.


you can’t store normal functions as data (over wire / db etc), but if you don’t need that, you don’t have to use sci.

Ory Band12:09:19

and i can put a fn under the :default key and it would work?


 [:fn #(= % (get-num-cpus))]
; => true

Ory Band12:09:31

amazing. i'm going to test that and get back to you. another question: what if i need to calculate the :default based on another key's input?

Ory Band12:09:38

not storing this as data

Ory Band12:09:05

see this example, how can i avoid sci?

      {:title       "Pull messages thread count"
       :description ""
       :default 1}
      {:title       "ACK processing and lease extension thread count"
       :description ""
       ; immitate java-pubsub's default value
       :default-fn '#(max 6 (* 2 (:parallel-pull-count %)))}


currently, the transformation interceptors don’t see their parents, so, attaching a transformer into a map key -> just sees that key & it’s children. This could be changed, but would need an issue and some thinking on how to do that.


but, you can attach the default values into the :map itself -> in that case the default-fn sees the whole map.

Ory Band12:09:49

yeah but in case the map was given by the user and one of the keys is missing, i want to support defaulting there as well

Ory Band12:09:50

btw, just tried your suggestion and it doesn't work:

:default #(hash-map :thread-count (* 5 (get-num-cpus)))}
i'm getting
; (out) clojure.lang.ExceptionInfo: Invalid configuration {"parsing_errors" {:concurrency ["invalid type"]}}

Ory Band13:09:10

what am i doing wrong?


the :default key is defined in the default-value-transformer and it should be a value, e.g. (hash-map :thread-count (* 5 (get-num-cpus))). the default-fn-value-transformer defines a key :default-fn which can be a function, e.g. #(hash-map :thread-count (* 5 (get-num-cpus))).


 [:map {:default {}}
  [:x {:default (get-num-cpus)} string?]
  [:y {:default-fn #(* (get-num-cpus) (:x %))} string?]]
; => {:x 10, :y 100}

Ory Band13:09:26

so i should use default-fn then

Ory Band13:09:26

it works. thank you!

🙇 1
Anders Eknert19:09:25

> currently, the transformation interceptors don’t see their parents, so, attaching a transformer into a map key -> just sees that key & it’s children. This could be changed, but would need an issue and some thinking on how to do that. Interesting. That’s just the issue I was struggling with 😅 Should I create an issue?

Anders Eknert20:09:50

To be more specific, I’m trying to get the name in the key of a :map-of construct, and use it as a default for one of the values in a sub-map