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всем привет, мне недавно писал рекрутер из Zalando, они ищут людей в офис в Берлин писать на Clojure, Scala и Java. Говорит что готовы релоцировать и оформлять Blue Card Вот описание позиции В описании Clojure не упоминается - · Deep knowledge of Scala, Java or Python но рекрутер уверяет что все хорошо Well Clojure runs on JVM, can fully integrate java, the java code can be called from clojure and vice versa (I guess you know this more than I do actually). We are heavy on JVM with Java and Scala, but using Clojure too - it depends on each individual team which way they choose, I am absolutely sure there are zalando dev teams that use lisp as their weapons of choice. We call it a radical agility, making teams autonomous in terms of tech they use. Also, Zalando guys are really captivated by functional programming nowadays and this hype includes Clojure as well simple_smile. But the job description contains mainly basic languages, frameworks etc., so we had to decide what to include and what not. Решил запостить сюда, возможно кого то такой вариант заинтересует.


PS: <mailto:[email protected]|[email protected]> контакт рекрутера

Kira Sotnikov17:12:05

Перепощу в твитор?


@lowl4tency: да, конечно

Kira Sotnikov17:12:12

а у них релокейт есть?


> Говорит что готовы релоцировать и оформлять Blue Card


Hi Sergey, yes, company is ok with that. Ondrej On 14 December 2015 at 15:46, Sergey Pariev <[email protected]> wrote: Hi Ondrej, Thanks for the detailed reply. One more question, this time about relocation - is the company OK with candidates from Russia/Ukraine who need Blue Card to work in Germany ?

Kira Sotnikov17:12:39

я же робот, я читаю только базворды

Kira Sotnikov17:12:49

Ретвит, лайк, подписка