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maybe dumb question… in the following code (that creates a cached registry client to talk to confluent), where does RestService.
come from? Pretty sure I’m missing an import but no idea which one. Code came from (@billh ?)
(defn cached-schema-registry-cli []
(let [restService (RestService. "")]
(CachedSchemaRegistryClient. restService 10 (doto (new java.util.HashMap) (.put "basic.auth.credentials.source" "URL")))))
(def serde-resolver
(partial resolver/serde-resolver :schema-registry-url "" :schema-registry-client (cached-schema-registry-cli)))
nevermind, finally answered my own questtion. For anyone else coming behind me on this, the two classpaths I was missing are:
Maybe useful for you. I saw that there's an open PR that adds support for schema registry basic auth
👍 6