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Is hyperfiddle.electric-ui4/tag-picker supposed to skip calls to Options if you type too fast for these calls to return in time? If so, that doesn't seem to work for me. I get one Options callback for every keystroke, so the options popup keeps updating several seconds after I stop typing

braai engineer08:06:39

haven't tried to replicate, but do your option DOM elements have a unique key if in e/for-by?

Dustin Getz11:06:21

there are a couple things this could be - the ui4 namespace is not in production anywhere, so the short answer is we don’t understand how it behaves in real world and it’s certainly wrong

Dustin Getz11:06:42

all our work on production crud forms is happening on v3


Thanks! After trying a few things, I vendored it and slapped a throttle (I know, I know) to it and that is satisfactory for now. If I have similar problems once v3 is out I'll look deeper

👍 1
braai engineer09:06:50

Scaling question for Electric Clojure on is there anything special I need to configure if I want to scale up in the event of an extreme traffic spike? Currently only using Electric for frontend rendering, but obviously it is served by the backend.

braai engineer16:06:23

Does the electric-starter-app support health checks on I can't get either TCP or HTTP health checks to work, e.g. in fly.toml:

    interval = '15s'
    timeout = '2s'
    grace_period = '1s'

    interval = 10000
    grace_period = "5s"
    method = "get"
    path = "/"
    protocol = "http"
    restart_limit = 0
    timeout = 2000
    tls_skip_verify = false
Problem is that GitHub Actions runs more a looong time waiting for fly health checks to pass, and have to cancel the workflows manually.


this seems to work for me, not sure if it's correct:

    grace_period = "1m"

braai engineer08:06:10

thx @U066TMAKS, is your server_jetty.clj file identical to electric-starter-app?

braai engineer08:06:44

@U066TMAKS do your TCP checks work? If yes, what are your parameters?

braai engineer08:06:42

doesn't work :/

braai engineer10:06:07

eventually GH actions times out after about ~8 minutes, but app gets deployed.

braai engineer10:06:01

also tried with "https" health check, in case there was an HTTP -> HTTPS redirect (which there is), but no dice.

braai engineer13:07:11

thx @U066TMAKS, I got the HTTP health working with grace_period = "1m", but still struggling with the TCP health check. Is the TCP health check supposed to work?