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Frank Henard19:05:31

I want to use babashka or even plain Clojure for server provisioning instead of Ansible. I found bbssh for shelling into my vps and running commands, but I'm having trouble connecting. CircleCI is failing on bbssh and it hasn't had a commit for 4 months. Is anyone else using bbsh or something like it, and if so any recommendations?


There is a #CUHG31VR6 channel where this project stems from. You can try to ping @U1QQJJK89 who is the author over there

👍 2
Frank Henard19:05:05

I actually meant to post this in babashka, sorry about that


OK, feel free to post it in #CLX41ASCS as well, perhaps you'll get some useful feedback

👍 2

bit late to the party but imho you're better off sticking to proven infra tools. Meaning ansible for config management and provisioning, or terraform once you do more complicated cloud provisioning that isn't ergonomic enough in ansible. I doubt you're getting idempotency when executing some handrolled babashka script via some ssh lib. Any good reasons you're moving away from ansible?

Frank Henard10:05:02

@U05261GRHRQ, I did start going the direction of ansible since I'm having trouble with bbssh. > Any good reasons you're moving away from ansible? It's not Clojure 🙂 > I doubt you're getting idempotency I'm having to build my own idempotency even with Ansible (using registers) anyway. babashka would be nicer for any kind of coding like that


I've heard some people use bb in combination with ansible

Adam Kalisz11:05:40

You probably mean the installation script that I have ported to Ansible: but that is not what the OP wants I think.