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I don’t plan on hosting it elsewhere at the moment. The com enterprise is the consulting company. fulcro itself is open source non-commercial.
Will project migrate to react as a NPM dependency in the future?
@sundarj root can't have an ident
it doesn't work, you have to wrap it
@wilkerlucio ah, so i need to move the form out into its own component?
yeah, what I do is have a default root that I use on my apps to wrap my actual root
something like this:
(om/defui ^:once Root
static fulcro/InitialAppState
(initial-state [_ _] {:ui/react-key (random-uuid)
:ui/root (fulcro/get-initial-state ActualRoot {})})
static om/IQuery
(query [_] [{:ui/root (om/get-query ActualRoot)}
static css/CSS
(local-rules [_] [])
(include-children [_] [ActualRoot])
(render [this]
(let [{:keys [ui/react-key ui/root]} (om/props this)]
(dom/div #js {:key react-key}
(actual-root root)))))
this is a good pattern to follow, because this way you root gets easier to be plugged in another system
no problem
@sundarj pro tip: if you find yourself having to do it too much, this function can help:
(defn make-root [Root]
static fulcro/InitialAppState
(initial-state [_ params] {:ui/react-key (random-uuid)
:ui/root (fulcro/get-initial-state Root params)})
static om/IQuery
(query [_] [:ui/react-key
{:ui/root (om/get-query Root)}])
static css/CSS
(local-rules [_] [])
(include-children [_] [Root])
(render [this]
(let [{:ui/keys [react-key root]} (om/props this)
factory (om/factory Root)]
(dom/div #js {:key react-key}
(factory root))))))
on this, you send the component, and it generates Root wrapping your component, so you don't have to write it every time
@wilkerlucio oh, neat! thanks a lot 🙂