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@zalky Found your question in the Zulip logs, reposting & answering it here because this limitation just came up for me.

I noticed that the latest versions of Datomic have new tuple types. Reading through the docs, can anyone clarify whether homogeneous tuple types have the same 2-8 element length limitations as the other two tuple types? It says homogenous tuples have "variable" length. It's just a little ambiguous.
Answer: homogenous tuples are subject to the same 2-8 element limitations. Attempting to set vectors with count less than 2 or greater than 8 will produce the following exception.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: :db.error/invalid-tuple-value Invalid tuple value
Tested on datomic-pro-0.9.5981. The best workaround I have now is to pad tuple values with nil in order to reach the minimum length of two -- ex: :tags ["foobar" nil]

👍 4

Much respect for the follow up!