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I can't figure out what's wrong with the following query: (d/q '[:find ?tx ?e :in ?log ?t1 ?t2 :where [(tx-ids ?log ?t1 ?t2) [?tx ...]] [(tx-data ?log ?tx) [[?e]]] [?tx :db/txInstant ?time]] (d/log conn) t1 t2)
It tells me IllegalArgumentExceptionInfo :db.error/invalid-data-source Nil or missing data source. Did you forget to pass a database argument?
and it works fine if I take out the [?tx :db/txInstant ?time]
not sure but what if you add $ '[:find ?tx ?e :in $ ?log ?t1 ?t2 :where
the clause where you go [?tx :db/txInstant ?time]
requires a "data source" (i.e. a datomic db) to satisfy
@jazzytomato That told me it was expecting 4 arguments but only received 3. I was able to get results by adding (d/db conn)
right before (d/log conn)
but I'm not positive why I need to include the db and the log or even if I'm getting the results I want with that.
Maybe @favila just answered my question though. I switched from the client API because I couldn't get tx-ids
or tx-data
to work at all with queries from the client api
@ibarrick didn't test this but maybe this works:
(d/q '[:find ?tx ?e :in ?log ?t1 ?t2 :where [(tx-ids ?log ?t1 ?t2) [?tx ...]] [(tx-data ?log ?tx) [[?e :db/txInstant ?time]]]] (d/log conn) t1 t2)
So why can I query over the return of (d/log conn)
(using just tx-ids and tx-data) if it isn't technically a "data source"?
look at your query clauses: none of them are actual clauses, they are just functions and destructuring
I think I follow you on the first part but I'm not sure why ?tx would be equal to ?e and in my results they appear to not be equal
Oh okay. what about the "$"? should my [?tx :db/txInstant ?time]
have been [$ ?tx :db/txInstant ?time]
I am reminding you that clauses like that have a source var, which can be omitted (and defaults to $ if you do)
so if a clause could take a source-var at the beginning, it's a clause that needs a db ("data source")
This seems like the easiest way to get a log of what changes were made to which entities during a time period, ordered by time.
I guess I could just use the log, buy how would I extract the timestamps of the transactions? Would I have to do a query for each unique transaction returned from the log?
(let [db (d/db conn)
txs (-> (d/log conn) (d/tx-range 0 (inc (d/basis-t db))))]
(->> txs
(take 1)
(map (fn [{:keys [t data] :as tx-info}]
(conj tx-info (find (d/entity db (d/t->tx t)) :db/txInstant))))))
What would the implementation of the first option look like? the ?tx
make me think that goes in the query itself but I didn't think you could do all that inside a query (and also you mentioned not doing a query)
you said: (:db/txInstant (d/entity db ?tx))
or extract it from the tx data itself. I assumed the code sample was the implementation of the latter
so I gave you an example of reading the tx log and adding a :db/txInstant key to the returned maps, without doing a query
That is in this line: (conj tx-info (find (d/entity db (d/t->tx t)) :db/txInstant))))))
we're just grabbing the tx entity, then pulling out the :db/txInstant value and adding it to the tx-info map
Oh I see. The code segment makes perfect sense I just misunderstood which one that referred to
(d/q '[:find ?tx ?tx-data ?time
:in $ ?log ?t1 ?t2
[(tx-ids ?log ?t1 ?t2) [?tx ...]]
[(tx-data ?log ?tx) ?tx-data]
[?tx :db/txInstant ?time]
(d/db conn) (d/log conn) 1000 1001)
(d/q '[:find ?tx ?tx-data ?time
:in ?log ?t1 ?t2
[(tx-ids ?log ?t1 ?t2) [?tx ...]]
[(tx-data ?log ?tx) ?tx-data]
;; 50 is the :db/txInstant id
[(identity ?tx-data) [[?tx 50 ?time _ true]]]
(d/log conn) 1000 1001)
Yep, that's what the query I got working looked like exactly. Is the only intrinsic advantage to not querying laziness?
In my case the version without querying gives me a more manageable shape for the data anyways
when I just need to read an entire index segment or tx log segment I find the non-query approach to be faster, use less memory, and be more straightforward
it's only when I need to do actual pattern matching or walking across entities (i.e. real queries) that using tx-log in a query makes sense
probably a tx-log query that doesn't have a history db as input is a sign that it's probably not an ideal query--just map over tx-range
Datomic 0.9.5561.56 is now available