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Hi, I'm running intellij/cursive in wslg, and can't download clojuredocs. I can hit the URL via wget in a terminal; any ideas why this is happening?


hi again . just checking, there's still no way to configure your own test runner to use when doing 'run tests in ns'..?

Jakub Holý (HolyJak)13:12:57

Any chance that will be addressed eventually? I is soon going to celebrate its 5th birthday… Of course I understand there is a LOT to do (I see there is 1.2*k* issues 😰 ) but I just again run into this and wasted couple of hours due to not seeing a test assertion failed…


Yes, this is scheduled for the next release (it was scheduled for the last one, but 2022.3 put paid to that).

🎉 2
❤️ 2
Jakub Holý (HolyJak)14:12:13

awesome! :star-struck: