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Alex Miller (Clojure team)00:10:58

Well that's not going to work out

Alex Miller (Clojure team)00:10:38

As the 0.2.x release is imminent pending some testing

Alex Miller (Clojure team)00:10:32

I'm fine with the ns change but would defer to David and Rich on a final decision and timing


Hey peeps. I'm kind of stuck doing a Reagent application with a little bit of core async mixe in. I create a channel in my namespace using (def input-buffer (chan 1)), then, :onclick for a button, I do #(let [input-char (-> (sel1 ".char-input") .-value)] (go (>! input-buffer input-char))) , and then, inside a loop scope, I do (assoc cells cell-pointer (int (go <! (go (<! input-chan)))))


But I can't get it to work - the return value from reading the chan is ignored it seems.


I do the "go <!" part twice because I read that the first <! just returns a chan, and not the value on the chan


Doing it just once does not work either


Sorry, that's just inside a function body, not a loop - the point is I want to return a value, and I can't figure out how to get it out of the go block 😕