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I created a Clojure community on Twitter: No idea what we will use it for, but I think that from a #C0353589RFC perspective it is good to have a space on Twitter where people curious about it can peek in and see what’s going on and ask things.

Martin Půda11:06:43

There is already some Clojure group, but it seems to be flooded with bots:


Oh, I had no idea. I though communities was a new thing… But the flooded with bots is for realz! Maybe the community I created should be kept just because of that. I hope there is a way to share the moderator responsibilities, but even if not, I am pretty active on Twitter and can boot bots.


Given the way Twitter has declined, is it even worth trying to manage to community there?


Twitter is better than ever, I would say. It is a bit unclear what the community brings to the table. To me it’s about being where the user is. Hoping it might spur people to go in and ask questions and such. We’ll see what happens.


Twitter has become extremely hostile to a lot of the people I used to follow there and they've nearly all left for spaces that are safer. If you're a straight, white dude, then Twitter is pretty safe...


This is the kind of thing I hoped should happen when using the Community feature.

👍 2
Cora (she/her)21:06:40

twitter has become quite a hostile place for me, personally, both as a general culture of users and from the new management, for whatever that's worth