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Good Player07:04:15

hello im new in this channle can some one help me to solve error in admob ad in android studio?


How is this related to this server, let alone this channel?


At best, you should ask this question in #C03RZGPG3, unless it's really about Clojure and not admob itself.

Good Player07:04:22

wait im sorry but im wrong channle or wrong all server?


This server is about Clojure and anything related to it.

Good Player07:04:16

and android studio not?


As I said - #C03RZGPG3 at best, or maybe #C07JPKQ5S now that I have found it, in hopes that someone might know about it and is willing to share. But overall this server is not about Android. Not many people use Clojure on Android. It's not a good metric of course, but the #C07JPKQ5S channel here has only 200 members.

Good Player08:04:37

and do you know onther server for android studi ide?