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my servers use aleph or http-kit, planning to move all of them to aleph
I've used http-kit for a few years, still works reasonably but with the lack of current maintenance, I wouldn't recommend starting something new on it now. Also planning to move to aleph or jetty9, haven't evaluated enough to say which yet.
I use http-kit because of the recommendation of Luminus documentation about Websockets
@noisesmith you're moving everything to aleph?
yeah - it's better maintained than http-kit, and performs better
fwiw I also put it behind nginx
I don't trust the java web servers for security like I do nginx
haha - I learned a lot about backpressure from ztellman yeah
I went from a server that could only handle 6 concurrent requests to being limited only by the throughput limits of external resources (db, apis) by fixing backpressure issues
@john well web servers are async if you accept two clients at once
the general pattern behind most of our backpressure problems was some loop that spawned a thread for each input
because someone thought "hey, concurrency will make this faster, so let's use threads" without measuring performance
wouldn't lots of internal queueing, often associated with "async servers" also pose pressure problems?
so we have an algorithm that is effectively processing a graph based on client input, you don't have to go very far in a graph to blow up, if you are starting a thread for each input
the queueing is the solution to those problems
simply starting threads with no queue logic is the cause
because the OS will happily let you start up threads until nothing works any more (think fork bomb) if you try it
also, this was exacerbated because someone thought "oh, things slowed down, we better find the slowest things and put them in more threads"
this happened recursively throughout the app until sane voices were heard
clojure makes it too easy to use parallelism in our case - so parallelism was used by people who don't really understand concurrency or resource issues
eventually I learned... haha
well no, it got more subtle "pmap limits the number of threads it will create based on your CPU count and that's not enough, let's wrap a map in a doall and start a thread for every item in the collection"
pmap would have been much better :P
we still do a lot parallelism - we need to for the throughput we need - but we now have backpressure, and configurable limits on how much work it will try to do at once
another good example was taking 1000 queries, and sending them all at once to a single server (we own it, so we know it's a single server)
a high percentage of our results were error messages that snuck through insufficient validation
we fixed it by simply sending 1 request at a time
and that was faster too, because we weren't making the poor machine thrash (it was also a 1 cpu machine btw)
cargo cult parallelism
my work on web workers bared that out too. Using the lib for simple scenarios would be stupid.
when we dug down, and found the slow things that people were trying to fix with parallelism, it was actually fixing improperly configured database tables, or bad queries to said db, that made the biggest difference
and I won't mention which non-leadership member of the team kept saying "stop optimizing without measuring, it's making things worse" but his avitar on slack shows him wearing a bright blue shirt
a) "we need backpressure" b) "but we can't do that optimization until it works" a) "it doesn't work because it's falling over" b) "right" a) "it would stop falling over if we had proper backpressure" b) "we need to fix it before we do optimizations like that"
sorry - that was a pretty intense time for me so it gets me ranting
social data analysis based on apis describing social relationships and interactions
it's a fun problem that definitely isn't fully solved
it's clojure end to end
except one java class for dijkstra's algorithm because it's just so much faster in java with v8 lambdas
we've looked at it, but no; early team lead was a mathematician in disguise as a programmer, so he lacked the self control to use a pre-packaged solution to a hard algorithmic problem
(lol, that's a bit glib)
but in all seriousness, loom doesn't have the specific algorithms we use, and he decided it was easier to just read the papers and implement from scratch rather than see how loom's optimized apis would let us do the same thing
(but we would have had to stitch the parts together of course)
that represents a lot of lost dev time, but it's a sunk cost and that part of the code is solid, so we haven't had to go revisit it
Yeah, I read that loom was extensible in the core.matrix kind of way. But hey, if he can do it.
but eventually if we get super fast access to our apis and a much faster db, loom would be worth looking at for sure
it's just a question of when it would actually be the bottleneck, and for a while at least that's going to be the data source, not the number crunching
@markbastian The 7th icon there in the toolbar will print the stacktrace of the last error.
@noisesmith ubergraph's implementation of shortest-paths is implemented in Java; the graph data structure is Clojure/immutable.
is it different from clojure.repl/source ?
most repls should start with clojure.repl in scope, see also clojure.repl/doc and clojure.repl/apropos and clojure.repl/find-doc
Is find-doc working now? I don't know if it's the function I'm thinking of, but when I last worked in Clojure a few months ago one of the doc getters required making HTTP requests to a site that seemed not to be maintained
find-doc does a substring match or regex match on doc strings
it doesn't use http, javadoc does use http to open the official java docs, but I think it can be configured if you have the html java docs local
I see. Would any external documentation for project dependencies have to be loaded manually then? is better .
clojuredocs doesn't have my libraries, clojure.repl/doc does
I could swear that there was a function that was able to, at least in theory, query some generic oracle for missing documentation... which would be great if possible as a fallback
what exactly did this oracle provide?
Trying to find a namespace for it. One of the several unofficial clojure (maybe clojurescript?) sites offered documentation for a variety of libs, and the function I think was just a dumb http request in its schema format
@kzeidler oh, right, arrdem's had an api
it's only for a limited set of libs though
my documentation steps are apropos if I forget the name, or find-doc if apropos didn't work; doc if I forget how to use it, or source if that's not enough; last resort is to just read the source itself, fast to look up automatically in my editor
yes the source function works well, I can see... much easier here than in Python or JS. 👍
that, or simply the function name resolves to the literal function definition I think
I think as it's matured its syntax has gotten a little more sugary, but it's the one language that makes me glad I learned how to make class-like "klazzes" in SICP once upon a time
When I taught JS the last time I tried introducing the + polymorphism as a gameshow in the style of numberwang
oh haha yes, numberwang I find a valuable teaching aid for explaining why, idk, the first element of [-1,0,-2, 1, 2].sort() is.... -1
Is there an easy way to lookup the current version of some library as you're declaring the dependency in project.clj?
I always check Clojars or GitHub. When you want to update the dependency, though, there's lein-ancient
some ~20k loc projects here...
w/ 150+ projects no single project had the chance to get too large though
40+k lines pure clojure persional project, homepage:
I can use an if, I know, but I would suspect there might be a built in way to go between those two
there is no obvious coercion from bool to int, so the function does not exist looking at your example I'm not even sure what are valid values for index writing your own conversion is a one-liner, use an if or a map literal
On a more subjective note... I'm a little rusty on Clojure conventions, but one of the things I've noticed is parameter names tend to be pretty terse
(Boolean/compare false false) => 0
is this true even of ad hoc functions, or is that just a convention of more abstract HOF?
(Boolean/compare true false) => 1
@hcarvalhoaves: excellent. I like this much better than (if (pred?) 0 1) for some reason
yeah... since it's static it might be a good candidate for inlining
(definline b->int [^Boolean b] `(Boolean/compare ~b false))
hcarvalhoaves: Interesting. A def primitive I haven't encountered yet. :thinking_face:
seems equivalent to (defn ... ^{:inline (fn [] )} ...)
without having to define the normal body
This is a different use of the word 'static' than I'm familiar with, since it does indeed return a variable
it returns a symbol. what I meant is that a static method call like that (`Boolean/compare`) seems a good candidate to expand inline
I have a data structure that's sort of like a chart, [{:from 0 :to 10 :value 2} {:from 10 :to 20 :value 5} ...]. There can be no overlap between items. Does this structure have a name in computer science?
@pupeno try using clojure frequencies
(frequencies [[0 10] [0 10] [10 20] [10 20] [10 20] [10 20] [10 20]])
It's sort of like a histogram, but it has variable size buckets.
And I'm trying to figure out a good way to go from a bunch of ranges to this sort of variable-sized bucket histogram.
@bcbradley I'm not talking about state, I'm talking about the buckets. They are not the same size.
[{:from 0 :to 10 :value 2} {:from 10 :to 15 :value 5} {:from 15 :to 34.12 :value 500} ...]
I often hear it called a "discretized state space"
but that's for when you convert a continuous space into buckets of discrete spaces
The Java equivalent code is fairly succinct:
@danp I have no idea but is line 8 working for you? \n in Java actually gets translated to a linefeed instead of newline
I can't actually get that far. I've got slightly further now though - I deref'ed the future that's returned from the connect to get a connection. Trying to .open
on the connection but getting dependency issues now
that syntax is effectively (fn [conn] ... (fn [session] .... (fn [event] ...)))
but it's instances of Function
and it's a classic callback-road-to-perdition (not quite callback hell yet...)
anyway, it should be hard to reify Function with an actual clojure fn
err, I guess you don't need the fn part, just a reify should do it
and like anything else using generics, you just pretend generics don't exist
someone with fresher knowledge of Java syntax could you confirm or deny my suspicion that variable interpolation in Java strings is not defined for Arrays? (re: line 8)
it will just call toString
I got curious and tried looking up the API, but the API for System.out isn't quite as thorough it seems
so you get the str of two collections in a string
i've currently got
(def client (Client/create actor-system))
(-> client
(.connect "" "json")
wait, why deref?
I would think you should have a call to thenAccept
@noisesmith: interesting. That's pretty cool
and provide an instance of Function to that
it's not just a future, if it has a thenAccept method...
(-> client (.connect ...) (.thenAccept (reify Function ....))
But from what you just said, I want to pass in a function as a param to .thenAccept - is that right?
not just a function, a java.util.function.Function but yes
it's an object with an apply method, pretty easy to make one
@noisesmith I've found this:
aha, future chaining
And I think I've just found something useful here:
so yeah, thenAccept takes a Consumer, a Function is a kind of Consumer (I think they just differ by arg count)
Following on from above, I've got the following code now:
(-> client
(.connect "" "json")
(reify java.util.function.Consumer
(accept [this conn]
(.open conn "realm1"))))
(reify java.util.function.Consumer
(accept [this session]
(.subscribe session "BTC_XMR"
(reify java.util.function.Consumer
(accept [this event]
(println (.kwargs event) (.args event)))))))))
I'm guessing I'm doing interop incorrectly for the Consumer callbacks, but not 100% how I'd go about debugging this.
Is there an alternative to Component that’s a little more straightforward? I have a Pedestal webserver I want to refresh in the REPL instead of needing to restart from scratch every time I make a change
(defn lazy-gen
(letfn [(step [n]
(println n)
(lazy-seq (cons n (step (inc n)))))]
(step 1)))
(defn lazy-test
(doseq [group (partition 4 (take 12 (lazy-gen)))]
(println "group")
(doseq [line group]
(println ">" line))))
you can do it with a let
How so? I've been getting around it okay using lets to precompute, and later dropping them in to the corresponding fields but it seems a little indirect
the var exists when the body runs, but doesn't have anything useful in it yet
yes, I'm talking about using a let block to build up the value in steps, it's the only way to do it
sure, yeah "obj" wouldn't be a valid selector in that context. Most languages expose a 'this' or 'self'...
there's not such thing in clojure
obj points to the var container itself, which holds a special undefined value until your def form returns
it's useful for self calls, that's it
(def obj (let [o {:a 1}] (assoc o :b (inc (:a o)))))
hey guys, I'm using alia to connect to cassandra, does any one encountered this expection:
java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: builder
clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: builder, compiling:(qbits/alia/policy/load_balancing.clj:74:16)
@noisesmith huh. How clever. I can work with this in lieu of 'this.
in the stub below is the namespace, right? (And a symbol)
(ns musil.utils
(:require [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])
What's the correct way to refer to the keyword passed in via project.clj? Maven ID or something?
(defproject guestbook "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
:description "FIXME: write description"
:url ""
:dependencies [[enlive "1.1.6"]... ])
yeah, [enlive "1.1.6"] gets auto-expanded to [enlive/enlive "1.1.6"] which stands for organization-id "enlive" project-id "enlive" version string "1.1.6"
it's represented like this in maven:
I noticed that yeah the tokens without slashes just echoed themselves in the url schema
yeah, it's a shorthand that lein supports
so the thing that "enlive" is, would it be more appropriate to call that the groupId or the artifactId in the absence of a pair?
it's a project where the group id and the artifact id are the same
otherwise it would be group/project "version"
or, strictly speaking, artifact not project
got it. I have a function that takes those string parameters and returns the latest version but I was at a loss what to call it
hello everybody, can someone recomend me an http client that can be consumed both by clj and cl-js?
is there a wa to tell rikng.adapter.jetty/run-jetty to serve a static/resources directory?
Here's a function that works fine, but has a tiny flaw:
(defn parse-int [s]
(Integer. (re-find #"\d+" s)))
(parse-int "2.01")
=> 2
(parse-int "2.9999")
=> 2
The Integer constructor ignores the mantissa. Casting to Double still ignores the mantissa, but returns 2.0 for those examples[\d\.]+
It's an interesting flaw because the information appears to be lost in the conversion to int, so I'm skeptical it can be fixed with any Int/Double methods
for starters, you have to grab the part of the string that includes and comes after the .
@noisesmith: d'oh!
or maybe #"\d*\.?\d+"
is closer to correct
regex is hard