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Nearly there 🙂


Good Morning!


At least it's a bit closer now... although Thursday night I have to fast for blood work Friday morning so I'm not looking forward to that... but at least I can indulge with a fast food breakfast on the way back from the lab... Sausage, Egg, and Cheese McGriddle is a serious guilty pleasure am I'm so rarely up and out of the house early enough for it 🙂


And the missus is away at a cat show this weekend (I have to be up at like 6 am to get her to the airport I think... ugh!) so I can go have Nigerian food while she's gone. And maybe Korean double-fried wings too.


one of the things I miss most about Cambridge is Nigerian food


especially akara


Hmm, akara is not on this restaurant's menu...


And then I'll spend the weekend working on !! What's everyone else up to at the weekend -- or haven't folks made plans yet?


I did not get around to this 😞 I didn't have Nigerian food either. I had a pretty miserable Saturday but a better Sunday. I had bloodwork done on Friday and it wasn't very good, so I'm into the doctor today... hopefully, it's just related to a change in medication and she'll change me back...


Ah, what a busy time! Nothing planned yet, but something for sure will crop up. Weather is supposed to be 30c this weekend, so probably shelter indoors 🙂


Are you affected by any of the smog/smoke that we are hearing about over here on the news? Seems pretty bad.


We had horrific smoke from fires here a few years ago but the current fires are on the East Coast, with smoke covering NYC this time.


Good good. Seems very apocalyptic!


Summer 2020. View from our kitchen. The camera tried to correct for the awful orange light. Normally, you'd see the village below us and then the Bay beyond that and in the distance the hills of the Peninsula. And this wasn't even the worst it got that summer... And the nearest "big" fire to us was probably 100 miles (we had a couple of small ones within 20 miles a few times, but those were quickly extinguished).


Here's that view today (through the screen on the window - we had new double glazing put in since the guess)...


Big difference!

Mike C08:06:54


👀 2

I did not get around to this 😞 I didn't have Nigerian food either. I had a pretty miserable Saturday but a better Sunday. I had bloodwork done on Friday and it wasn't very good, so I'm into the doctor today... hopefully, it's just related to a change in medication and she'll change me back...